I started the morning in Nurmijärvi, Finland, not far from Helsinki. I took a flight from Helsinki to Riga, Latvia, connecting to Zürich.

I have been watching the weather in Bormio, Italy, with my decision to be either to travel to Italy or go home early. My return flight is planned for July 3.
After I arrived I checked the weather forecast for Bormio which showed 100% chance of rain for the next three days. It was almost that same percent chance I would go home instead.
The forecast for Zürich was about the same although I didn’t have to worry about snow on the mountain. But having arrived it was a beautiful afternoon.
If I was going home, it would be on Thursday. With rain forecast for tomorrow, I will be tearing down my bike. Today will be my last time to ride in Switzerland.
City riding is not ideal but the ride around Lake Zürich is nice. But I didn’t want to circumvent the entire lake.
I loved the ferry that crosses over the lake. The price is right (CHF 3) and it is a lovely ride.

I simply went for a ride around the lake. It was beautiful.
The main road was blocked headed back to Zürich. Looked like a rich boat owner had an accident and a crane stretched across one lane of the road to lift it out of the water.
I stopped at the river and took a couple more photos. A commuter passed me and I followed her wheel which took me under the highway to the street I needed to return to Wollishofen.
Zürich – I will miss you. Except for that Barney Fife cop.