This was advertised as a Potomac Pedalers 55/75 mile “classic club ride.” We met in Myersville, Maryland where approximately 40 riders departed under sunny and pleasant skies.
The first 20 miles were spent simply sorting things out. Groups of riders, often two in a group, would form and then break up. I ended up going solo a lot between groups of riders until I settled in with “Alan” (wearing an orange Euskaltel jersey) and “Mike” from Olney (in the yellow jersey). Just about the time we started riding at a comfortable pace, we entered Pennsylvania. Now this was a surprise to this rider. Who knew?
I didn’t see any welcome signs when we rolled into Blue Ridge Summit, Pa. My first indication that we were in Pa. was the keystone sign announcing a state inspection station. Here we caught 10 other riders. The 13 of us stayed together for just one mile when we came to the “moment of truth.” The “short” 55-mile route would turn left. The 75-mile ride included a 20-mile loop back to this intersection.
I wanted to ride the long route today. My pride and ego said to go for it. But I must be getting wiser in my old age. I actually listened to my brain.
Knowing that I would referee an assessment U19B soccer match tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. it would not make sense to ride 75 miles and then have dead legs. And who knows, maybe 55 miles was not a smart idea either.
Assuming most of the fast riders went the long route, five of us must have been the first to head out towards Penmar (and Pen Mar). The other eight riders headed for the longer route.
I had no idea of the route. Heck, I didn’t know we’d be riding into Pennsylvania. And I certainly didn’t know where the climbs were. On this route, there were no flats. It was all climbing and descending.
We reached the base of Pen Mar, the mountain, in Penmar, the town. And the road turned up. The first mile and one-half was a neat 7% grade with sections kicking up to 12-14%. But even upon reaching a false summit, there was another two miles at 5%.
There were five of us together at the base of the climb. I was sitting in last as we started. Normally one is content to sit in behind the rider in front but I knew they were going too slow for me. Mike, was headed up the road by himself. I then passed the three riders to close within 50 meters of Mike. By the top of the steep grade, I was 10 meters behind.
I caught Mike on the next section and then tried to pace him but instead ended up dropping him. I reached the top of Pen Mar 200 meters ahead of everyone in our group.
The view up here was great. There’s a rock cropping that overlooks the Maryland valley. But the picture does not do it justice.

We turned around and got to descend part of the climb. At our rest stop (store), we picked up an extra rider who had two flats and was just content to find a group. We started out with six and we were gapped by Mike and the new rider. The guy sitting in third wheel allowed this to happen. Eventually, I was able to break free from my group and bridge up to Mike and our new rider. Once I caught the new rider I dropped him — I was just trying to pace us both up to Mike.
Mike would regain his wind or legs and he hammered it home. I struggled to stay on his wheel, at times losing contact but always coming back. I think we were the first to get back to the lot. Glad the big boys took the long route.
Check out the elevation chart. There are no flats on this ride.