As our journey makes its way down the east coast, pedaling and driving, but mostly driving, today was my only day to ride in Group 4. Group 4 gets to drive first and then ride — all the way to our destination. Our destination was Homestead, Florida, south of Miami and the gateway to the Everglades and to the Keys. My teammates were Andy Veliuona and Meg Shipman. Our driver was Laura S.

At the dedication circle, I was met by Chris Keisel, my cousin, Mary Kay Sherry’s boyfriend. I appreciated that he came over but was disappointed that Mary Kay didn’t make an effort. We were just a few miles from her home in Vero Beach.

Today I rode for Jack Morton. It was a random act of kindness that almost went viral among his followers on Facebook. Just knowing someone is thinking of you and dedicating their day means so much. And every day our riders and drivers dedicated their days to one, two, or many people battling cancer.

As we drove Laura said we could stop anywhere for lunch before riding. I saw a Chick-fil-A and offered that. She got angry and said she would take us anywhere but there. Seriously? I understand some people make political statements with their shopping choices but they don’t make them for me. Especially when I am a client for your silly organization. I raised more than $5000, in part so you can have a job, and this is how the organization treats its people once they have your money? Ok, understood. I should have ended my trip and association with this group right then and there.
Before we put wheels down at Hollywood North Beach Park, Andy laid down the gauntlet. “I hear you have quite a reputation at giving out the cards. Well, today, you’re going down.” (His words may have been embellished slightly to the enjoyment of the reader.)

And that was all it took. Andy handed out the first card to a person walking by but I would give a lesson today.
The cards were simply business cards with the name of the organization. And we were proselytizing missionaries, raising money for this organization.
But to get underway I took out a pump from the car and checked the pressure in my tires. The pump sucked. It let air out of both tires. So we do this trip down the coast and the organization didn’t even have a working floor pump in every vehicle. I almost abandoned today’s ride right there but decided to ride on on low tires and try to find a bike shop.
Lesson learned: Check air at the hotel before all groups roll out so if the one pump in your car is defective you can find one that works. It was also indicative of the lack of attention to detail this trip had. All their air pumps did not work.
The cue sheet today was hand written without mile markers. We would simply follow US 1. The farther south we went the more obvious it became that planning was, again, very disorganized. In fact, the only good day with cues was Day 1 in which I had volunteered to do all the cue sheets, and we didn’t use any on Leg 2 (Group 2) since I knew all the turns. By now they were making things up as we went. There was no real planning ahead of this trip.

Most of our riding was urban riding. Lots of traffic lights. And lots of opportunities to show Andy how it’s done. Cards, that is. I stopped and talked to people on sidewalks. I caught a couple at a light in their convertible and talked to them. As a man on a motorbike prepared to pass I matched his speed and handed him a card. Each time I looked at Andy. He gave up. I handed out 40 cards today. It netted the organization $0.

As soon as I could find one, we stopped at a local bike shop. For air. The bike shop was great to let me get some air in my tires. It was hard to believe we didn’t have a working pump in the car.
Nearing lunchtime, I decided to ask a local for directions. As we rode by, the guy yelled out “I’m not homeless!” I asked “local?” and asked where to eat. He recommended a place so we went in the opposite direction. But I still gave him a card to show him what the ride was about. And Andy deducted points from me for giving a card to a homeless guy.

After lunch we iPhoned our way out of Miami. I deferred to Meg and Andy on this. I just wanted to ride so I didn’t care where we went. On South Miami Avenue we were stopped for a drawbridge opening on the Intercoastal Waterway. I handed a card to Juan Londono, a local originally from Colombia. He was gracious enough to lead us on our way through Miami.

I appreciated Juan riding with us. I have been in similar situations many times where I have met cyclists and have ridden with them as well. Today I received.

Our route today was supposed to be 48 miles. Once we reached that, Laura said she was ready to transport our group to the hotel even though we did not ride to the destination. Meg and Andy agreed to stop and get in the SAG but we were only eight miles from the hotel. I told them I was going to ride the rest of the way.
As Meg and Andy loaded their bikes, I rode on to the hotel. I arrived at the hotel at the same time they had arrived.
Dinner was at the hotel. John JJ Beck had found a local BBQ joint and brought dinner in. We sat around the pool and talked about riding in Altoona. It was real strange having Craig Babst mention the small town of Gipsy, Pa.