This is one of my favorite rides, even though it doesn’t have a ferry. In a nutshell, take the Amtrak from Richmond to Williamsburg and then ride back to Richmond. My bike ($20) cost more than my fare ($12).
Richmond Main Station
There was a crash on I-95 South near Quantico this morning. Waze took me out to Joplin Road before getting on the Interstate. My ETA for Great Shiplock Park was 9:48 a.m. The train was scheduled to depart at 10:03 a.m.
I passed the Richmond Main Station and saw plenty of parking available but at what cost? I always drive to Great Shiplock Park, a neat little park about one mile from the train station, for free. I arrived and went through my mental exercise. Bike computer, Speaker, Front light, Rear light. Garmin radar (rear). Two bottles. Ice. Water. Food in my pockets. Check air pressure.
I was out of the lot at 9:55 a.m. to make my 10:00 train. Four minutes and two seconds later I was in the building. Elevator to the second floor and out to the platform.
Richmond Main
I asked the conductor which car and he said to pick one. I did and they did not have the bike “rack” set up. I leaned my bike on the bulkhead, preferring that to taking off a wheel and hanging it. From Richmond to Williamsburg is one hour and no stops so I knew more passengers would not be boarding the train down the line.
When the conductor came by he didn’t say a word, I suspect he didn’t want to change the luggage rack into a bike rack either.
The Capital in Williamsburg
I did a quick “tour” of Colonial Williamsburg and then found a course on my Wahoo and followed it. It featured some side streets which I don’t remember riding before but probably did.
The trail was thick with leaves in places which made seeing the trail difficult at times.
I rode into a strong wind the entire time. – Chart of winds
Chickahominy River
I stopped at Haupt’s Grocery in Charles City and got a chicken breast. I could tell I needed something although I had my pockets full of cycling food.
Charles City
At Shirley Plantation, I came upon a cotton field. I didn’t know they grew cotton in Virginia.
Some of the trail is wooded which gave protection from the winds. Other sections were out in the open in which the wind and sun took it’s toll on me. It was 82 degrees today.
First Thanksgiving
Arriving in Richmond I made my way over to Libby Hill Park. I was hoping to see if I could beat my PR on the climb but never could find my line. The cobbles will beat you up. I sucked today.
Libby Park
Notwithstanding not getting a PR at Libby Park, this is a great ride. Well, the winds weren’t my friends today either. But if you want to stay on a trail, you can ride traffic-free from the Jamestown Settlement 50+ miles back to Richmond.
There is a 6-7 mile ride from Williamsburg to Jamestown on the road but the last time I rode this I met a couple who took their bikes from the train in Williamsburg on a bus to Jamestown so they never rode in traffic. Not for me but that’s a nice way to do it.
It was a most beautiful day. Tim and I drove to Richmond and parked at the Great Shiplock Park which is about one mile from the Richmond Main Station. We rode to the station and waited.
Tim and the Great Shiplock Park
If only someone knew how to run a train. Sigh. A woman greeted us (nice) and told us the train was running late. Still under pandemic protocols, most of the large open station was closed off so people had to be in one area. The doors to the outdoor platform where one could breathe fresh air were locked.
Entrance to Main Station, Richmond
When the train arrived and arriving passengers disembarked they could not open the doors to get into the station. And we could not leave to get to the platform. Finally (maybe no more than two minutes but for some people, it probably seemed much longer), an employee came and opened the doors.
Great Shiplock Park (viewed from Amtrak)
Tim and I rolled our bikes onto the platform. The conductor said he had a bike rack in this car and “back there.” I guess I took this one and Tim went back there. We went to separate cars.
My bike aboard the train (ready to disembark)
The rack had one hook and I tried to hang my front wheel but the hook didn’t like a deeper rim that I had. I was able to turn it just right and hang it. I then saw an instruction sign that said to remove the front wheel. Not sure how that would have worked. I didn’t have my tool to remove the wheel readily available.
That also tells me Amtrak is not accommodating of many bikes. They must anticipate quick-release skewers which have been replaced by through-axles. Depending on the bike you may need a special tool to remove the wheel. I use a mini-rachet which I did not have with me. For an emergency, I could get to one in a tool kit inside my frame. As for bikes with bolted-on front wheels, they would be out of luck too. Amtrak can do better if they want to.
About halfway through the ride I put the bike in a luggage area. It fit better. I actually through we were approaching Williamsburg and was getting ready. But we weren’t.
Williamsburg, Va.
Once in Williamsburg, we rolled down through Duke of Glocester Street in Colonial Williamsburg. Very slowly. If Tim wanted a faster average speed today I killed it in Colonial Williamsburg.
Governor’s Palace, Colonial Williamsburg
Rather than take John Tyler Highway directly to Jamestown to meet the trail, my mapping took us through some residential areas. They were very pretty but I’m not sure about the benefit. The highway did have a bike lane for much of it. I think the only section it did not was where we finally picked it up.
We passed a Taco Bell and grabbed a not-so-quick bite to eat knowing that food options were limited on the ride. It was 11:30 a.m.
Taco Bell, Williamsburg
The trail in Jamestown was easy to find. The Virginia Capital Trail is a paved and boardwalk trail that follows the Rte. 5 corridor. While next to the highway almost all of it has a strand of trees between it and the road. When there is no traffic going by one does not see the road and it appears it is a trail in the woods.
Jamestown Settlement
There are not many provisions on the trail. I had forgotten there was a very nice-looking deli restaurant at Mile 2.5 (Spokes + Art Provisions Co.). At Charles City, there is Haupts gas station which has some good fried chicken. Also in Charles City, there is Cul’s Courthouse Grille. And then northing until Mile 48.
The long bridge at MP1
We had a wonderful headwind most of the way. But it was 72ยบ and it was great.
A deer is outstanding in his field
At Kingsland Road we left the trail as I opted for some back roads which added two to three miles. Tim was okay with that because he wanted to make sure we rode a metric century (100 km or 62.14 miles). The mileage would do that. These were roads used in the Climb to Conquer Cancer that I have ridder before. And I approved.
Chickahominy River
We stopped for water when we got back to the trail, around Mile 48 . There is a new 7-Eleven opening soon but was a store across the highway as well. Tim got water for the last five miles and we began the nice mostly downhill ride to Richmond.
Chickahominy River
I don’t know what picture I had painted of Libby Hill but I think Tim was picturing Mount Washington and not Libby Hill. When we got to Rocket’s Landing I could see the monument atop Libby Hill and pointed that out to Tim. I think he was relieved to see that it wasn’t far away and it wasn’t very high.
Richmond in the distance
I wanted Libby Hill. Twice I raced it as a timed climb in the Climb to Conquer Cancer. Both times I finished at 0:53. Three weeks ago my time was good enough to win the 65-69 age group at the event. The problem for me is they had a 60-69 age group. I never saw official results and could not easily determine on Strava who I may have lost to but the most important person I am racing is me. And I wanted a good race time today.
Church, Williamsburg, Va.
We came to the gated entrance (no vehicles permitted) and I showed Tim the climb. He thought it might take him four minutes. I pointed out that even if he went half as fast as me he’d still be there in under two minutes.
The trail
I was hoping for one second. I hit the climb from a dead stop. The bike started to bounce. I made the hard left onto the climb and felt the rear wheel slip on the wet cobbles as here there is always some runoff or drainage across the road. It’s about 6″-12″ at best (worst).
One of the boardwalk bridges on the trail
My helmet, which I thought was tight, was moving as were my sunglasses. I never looked at my Wahoo Live Segments to see if I was ahead or behind my PR pace.
Near Great Shiplock Park, passing underneath the train tracks, Richmond
Halfway up is the sharp right-hander. Once I turned it I got out of the saddle. Three weeks ago I tried standing here and the bike bounced so much I sat back down. Today I stood and let the bike bounce.
Strava showed me 0:47. Strava disagreed.
I’m not sure if I was out of the saddle the rest of the way or if I sat. But I went across the top and saw the time – 0:47.
Horses in Williamsburg
I killed it. I destroyed my previous best time. Then I saw Tim was coming and I was encouraging him as well. And in his first time, he came in 1:33. Excellent! Being his first time he now has a marker for a PR for the next time as well.
I beat Libby Hill. Credit: Tim
Officially, Strava would record my time as 0:48. I still destroyed it. And maybe the next cancer climb, a 0:48 would be good enough for the 60-69 group. (They should align with Strava’s 65-69 group but that’s a different discussion.)
The top two times were done on trainers and not actually at Libby Hill
We descended back to the car. Tim saw a parking lot that looked promising to cut through although we didn’t need to. But it had two bridges which led to Stone Brewing. When we exited we were in the outdor cafe area of the brewery. Oops. Let us ride between your tables. We went through the parking lot and were back on the trail only 400 meters from where we parked. In all we rode through three of Virginia’s capitals through history, Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Richmond.
A new ride to me. A cancer ride sponsored by Amy’s Army of Cancer Warriors benefitting the VCU- Massey Cancer Center.
Libby Hill
Logistically, I decided I would park at Stone Brewery, a huge lot about a mile from Libby Hill Park. There were only a handful of cars there and the parking space I was looking at (near a tree) had lots of broken auto glass – the sign of a break-in earlier. Ugh.
Libby Hill
I had to check-in and pick up my timing chip before the ride. I rode up Williamsburg Avenue and turned on Libby Hill. Our route would take us up this climb twice on our ride. I decided to make it three. There was as much grass as there were cobbles. It was actually an easy climb. Not steep. Not long. And the stones weren’t that annoying.
Looking down Libby Hill
Throwing some numbers at it – the best I can tell the climb is about 220 meters with an average or steep grade of 9%. While we did two climbs, the pro men in 2015 for the UCI World Championships did 16 climbs up the hill.
Riding in Memory of Jacob Grecco Alex Shepherd Janice Lowmaster Kay Walborn
I positioned myself at the back of the group for rollout. When we were ready to go they announced that I was at the front. Oh well. I turned my bike around and rolled up behind the police cruiser who would escort us for a four-mile urban loop before bringing us back to Libby Hill where we would climb the hill, for the “first’ time. This one was timed.
The parking lot at Stone Brewery
As we rolled through the Richmond streets the calls of “Hole!” echoed throughout our group. The streets were in bad shape. This was very unfortunate. I was second wheel behind the cruiser on the right. Perhaps third or fourth wheel on the far left was a rider who came upon one of those holes.
Statue at top of Libby Hill Park
We may never know what happened next. It appears it hit it hard. We all heard a loud bang – sounds like a gun but it was the sound of a tire exploding. I heard a crack and in my periphery, I heard two bikes coming together and I saw at least one but I think two riders going over their handlebars while their bikes went up in the air. As far as I know, only two riders were involved which is a small miracle.
At the start line. Little did I know we would turn around to start and I would be in the front, not back.
I did not slow down nor turn to look to see what happened. Any sudden action by me might cause more riders to crash. I yelled “Riders down!” and we told the police to go back and check. We waited for 20 minutes until the ambulance arrived and took the riders away.
Waiting for an ambulance for our riders who went down
At Libby Hill, I crossed the timing mat and then, a rider in front of me, stopped, lifted his bike in my path, and turned around. Any chance I had of doing well on the climb was taken away from me by an inconsiderate rider.
Volunteers at Rest Stop 1 – They make the event happen
While I had been riding first or second wheel behind the cruiser, the word must have gone out to leave the accident scene without the police escort. I had gone from the front of the group to the rear (hence the guy in my way at the bottom of the climb). Once over the top, I locked into a group of orange riders. The group was mostly women but there were some men.
The James River, Richmond
We rode 24 miles to the first stop. Mostly I chatted with an unnamed guy and the big takeaway was telling him about and letting him try my Dual Eyeware sunglasses since he couldn’t read his Garmin. He was impressed. He then met some friends and took off with them.
My 10-year Cancerversary
I stayed with the group I was in. They were with Sweet Spot Cycling. Most seemed to be 30-40s somethings although one woman was riding after a partial knee replacement in July. Based on the age of knee replacements, she was probably on the north side of the 40-something range. Kudos to her!
Sharon MacLean Maggie Hopkins Barton, Leary Jessica Conley, Dixie Newsome, Erin Silliman Wittwer, Marion Palme, Ashley Gibbs.. Source: Maggie Hopkins Barton Facebook Post shared by Amy’s Army of Cancer Warriors (Sept. 23, 2019)
We skipped Rest 2 and rode 30 miles to Rest 3. We averaged 18.2 mph with most, but not all, taking pulls. I did. Some of the non-Sweet Spot riders never came to the front. The last 10 miles we averaged another 18 mph. I backed off before the climb just so it wasn’t so crowded. Once I hit the climb my legs knew it. The first two times were easy. The last one was not – it’s what having 60 miles in your legs will do.
Alongside the James River returning to Richmond
I passed a couple of riders and was out of the saddle at the end. I thought I was way worse but unofficially was just eight seconds slower. It just felt much slower.
Rider finishing on Libby Hill
It was an enjoyable ride. I sought out one of the Sweet Spot riders to thank them for letting me join in with them. I would do this ride again and recommend it to others.