Livestrong Challenge 2016


It was humid if not warm when I lined up in the 100-Mile riders’ coral. Our pre-ride instruction included a doctor who told us that number one we should have fun and number two “be safe.” Interesting. I think safety should always trump fun. But maybe that’s me.

At the start - 7:30 a.m.
At the start – 7:30 a.m.

The first 10 miles to Aid Station #1 is one big mass rollout. Police patrol the many intersections leaving the city and at most traffic lights we could roll through. The crowd started to thin out approaching the aid station but it was mostly one big group ride. At the Aid Station, I pulled in and found a mechanic, who happened to be from Mellow Johnny’s Bike Shop which is where I rented my bike. Since I had no pump with me and had the bike since Friday, I knew I would need a little air. He pumped up the tire, refilled a water bottle, and was out of there in three and one-half minutes. I wanted to keep my rest stops short.

My favorite gas station
My favorite gas station

I rolled into the second stop for water. This time it was 90 seconds. I went by the third stop which used to be the cookie stop. I guess it still was. Damn. There was a sign warning riders the next stop was the cutoff for the 100-mile route at 10:30 a.m. I rolled into Aid Station #4 at 9:50 a.m.

Crossing the Blanco River
Crossing the Blanco River

Then it was off to the Wall. Or as it’s called, Devil’s Climb. I was on a rental bike. My guess is when I rode this route four years ago my Trek Pilot was fitted with a 30:28 gear ratio. It was difficult but I don’t remember struggling (like everyone else seemed to be). This bike was set up with a 34:28. I’m older. The ratio is worse. It’s not getting easier.

Texas 4000 Aid Station at top of Devils Climb
Texas 4000 Aid Station at the top of Devils Climb

The climb was hard. Damn hard. There were more people walking than riding. My Garmin was set up with a maximum heart rate of 180 and Garmin was going nuts because I was over that (186). I was displaying heart rate and knew that. My legs ached and my body wanted to quit. But I would keep going.

Blackberry the chicken
Blackberry the chicken

I pulled into the aid station near the top of the climb (essentially it was at the top) and talked to the kids from the Texas 4000. This was their aid station and they were quite helpful. I spent 24 minutes here which represents half the time I spent in all stops.

Pulled into this campground to check in for tomorrow's flight
Pulled into this campground to check in for tomorrow’s flight

The roads from here back to the finish were very “heavy.” Chip and tar, heavy on the chips. Not a smooth surface at all. It’s hard to pedal on this surface but must keep moving.

Buda, Texas
Buda, Texas

I stopped at each aid station after this. It was hot (90 degrees) and I needed to keep my fluids topped off. Around Mile 70 we saw the chickens. I think it was an FFA group and the girl proudly displayed “Blackberry.”


The roll in to the finish went well. Ninety-nine miles went OK but that last mile forced me to think why am I here? Why am I here when Jake and Alex are not? Or Joe Petrucelli? Or Nancy Natoli?

Survivors get a yellow rose

I rode by myself all day. I never hooked up with anyone all day long. It was just a 100-mile solo effort. So I entered the finishing chute and made sure I was alone. I stayed right, for survivors and videoed as I got my yellow rose for they hand out for survivors.

I rode for many today. I did not wear a survivor’s bib. I have transformed so that this ride is not about me – it’s about others. I’m thinking this was my last time. It was if it is only for me. But if I ride for others I may be back.


And if I ride it again, I have to remember, NO RENTAL BIKE. I want my bike which is geared a little more favorably to the Devil’s Climb.

Dave Wright, Kelly Wright, Barry Sherry
Dave Wright, Kelly Wright, Barry Sherry Team CCC

Sea Gull Century


Last year flooded roadways and more rain from Hurricane Joaquin forced Salisbury University to cancel the Sea Gull Century. It was the first time in 27 years the event was canceled.

Riding out of town
Riding out of town

Just days before this event it looked like this one might be canceled as well. Hurricane Matthew was coming up the east coast. The forecast today did not look good with the hourly forecast showing a 50-60% chance of rain. But I would ride come hell or high water. Well, maybe only hell.

Waiting at aid station #1
Waiting at aid station #1 – Riders from Blair Cycling Club

The event was “show and go” so I drove up, parked, at pushed off at 7:19 a.m. Garmin time. It was 70℉ (21.1℃) and very gray. We would not see the sun all day.

Aurora (L), Leslie (R)
Aurora (L), Leslie (R) – Blair Cycling Club

Just about two miles in a saw three riders from the Blair (Co.) Bicycle Club. I recognized Leslie from a ride I did with BBC out of East Freedom, Pa., on July 16. She was riding with Pat and Aurora. We started talking and soon we were a group of four. For the day.

Assateague Visitor Center
Assateague Visitor Center

A group from Virginia Beach went by and we jump on their train. With others. We followed them to the first aid station. We stopped, very briefly, not to use the facilities but to rest and stretch. (Well, not me.) Pat said their strategy was to catch a ride behind some tandems. And we did for a while.

Assateague Visitor Center
Assateague Visitor Center

At Mile 40 we came to railroad tracks which were at an angle. No fewer than five volunteers were warning riders that other cyclists had been crashing here when, just then, a cyclist went down hard on the tracks. Ouch! Message received. (We all navigated the tracks safely.)

Headed up the bike/pedestrian bridge
Headed up the bike/pedestrian bridge onto Assateague Island

Just after the tracks at Newark was the second aid station. Slight fail on the organization’s part here. No food. The line for water and Gatorade snaked out to the road but many people, me included, were in line for food. This should have been marked as a water stop. I wasn’t disappointed there was no food, only that it wasn’t advertised that way. I could have skipped standing in line to top of my water bottle. Oh well, they got everything else right.

Headed UP the bike/pedestrian bridge
Headed UP the bike/pedestrian bridge at Assateague Island

After that stop we rolled ahead to Assateague Island. Just before crossing the bridge to the island the ladies went to the visitors center looking for cleaner restrooms than the porta johns ahead. I suspect they were successful.

Assateague Rest Stop
Assateague Rest Stop

The bridge to the island was a humpback bridge with a bike/pedestrian bridge beside it. Bikes had the bike bridge going in to the park while coming out traffic was alternated into one lane allowing cyclists to have a dedicated traffic lane. In other words, the pedestrian bike path was one-way going in and the main bridge, Verranzano Bridge, handled the bike traffic leaving the island, alternating with vehicle traffic.

Assateague Rest Stop
Assateague Rest Stop

The aid station at Assateague Island was well stocked with food. And water. And Gatorade. We had gray skies and occasional “spitting” of rain but no rain to speak of. The roads were a bit damp but it wasn’t raining. I checked my phone for weather and saw there was rain everywhere around us. It looked like we would get soaked going back.

Food and a surprised volunteer
Food and a surprised volunteer

The one picture I wanted on the day was a horse. A wild horse. My phone wasn’t cooperating too much (battery) but I managed one. Or two. But missed the one I really wanted.

Sand dunes at Assateague
Sand dunes at Assateague

We left the island and motored on home. The tailwind we were hoping for never materialized. Aurora had a flat tire (squishy really which was dragging her down), so we did an 8-10 minute stop to get her back on the road.

Pat, Aurora, Leslie
Pat, Aurora, Leslie

Approaching the finish, it appeared we would be two miles short of a century. We unanimously agreed that this would not be acceptable (I like these people). We turned on Division Street and rode one mile out of town before returning to the route.

Wild horses on Assateague
Wild horses on Assategague

The finish line was pretty cool. There is a pedestrian underpass under US 13. We were directed through the tunnel to the other side of the street at the finish line.

The 2016 Sea Gull Century official long-sleeve T-shirt

In the end, it really was a good day on the bike. The weather cooperated (the rain started only when I reached my car) and I had good riding partners. I went into this ride thinking one-and-done but now think I would do it again. It was good fun.

MILEAGE: 100.6 miles
SPEED: 17.1 mph

In 2015 the event was canceled but I got this long sleeve T-shirt
Sea Gull generally has the best T-shirts

Alpine Loop Gran Fondo


I am sore and hurting. Not from a crash but from being so out of shape for an event. Including the time I stayed in Pennsylvania after my father died, I was two weeks without a bike ride leading up to the Jeremiah Bishop Alpine Loop Gran Fondo. If that wasn’t bad enough, yesterday I refereed a couple of soccer matches – something I haven’t done since April or May. My legs were sore going in.

Maybe it was a culmination of things. During my dad’s final days I did three all-nighter’s with him, one time staying awake 42 straight hours and sleeping just two in 62 hours. Last night we went to Andrew’s hockey game and I didn’t get to sleep until 1:30 a.m. and was up at 4:45 a.m. Clearly I was suffering from not enough rest.

Joe Dombrowski and Barry Sherry
Joe Dombrowski and Barry Sherry

I arrived in Harrisonburg and went to the front of the line as a prostate cancer survivor and supporter of the Prostate Cancer Awareness Project. There I met Joe Dombrowski, of Cannondale-Drapec for perhaps, the fourth straight year. I was able to ask him about contracts for next year for Ben King and Phil Gaimon. He said Ben has (or will have) a contract. He doesn’t know about Phil. It’s a tough business.

Joe Dombrowski and Barry Sherry
Joe Dombrowski and Barry Sherry

I also met Jeremiah Bishop at the start. His wife, Erin, came over and gave me a hug. Neither of us knew if I would make the start today. Robert Hess, of the Prostate Cancer Awareness Project, also came over to greet me.

We rolled out at 8:00 a.m. It was a ceremonial roll out. Two miles in as we turned off US 33 onto Eversole Road I was briefly at the front. I did not position myself here and did not want to be here. My legs felt like crap and I wanted to ride easy with no pressure, certainly not wheel to wheel with the main peleton. When I saw a safe place to exit I bailed out and let the main group pass.

Rider headed up Reddish Knob
Rider headed up Reddish Knob

I also had a reason to doing that. My heart rate monitor wasn’t reading and I wanted to see how high it was as I was pushing it. I adjusted it and it was recorded 35. Then it was zero. Guess the battery is shot.


When I jumped on I was pretty much at the end of the Alpine Loop and Century riders. The timed section of the Shenandoah mountain climb seemed to start at a different location than in the past (I didn’t ride this route last year). When I passed the bridge over Dry Run I started my timer.

Two riders headed up Reddish Knob
Two riders headed up Reddish Knob

On the climb I passed some (eight) and was passed by some (seven). In the past in this position (near the end of the main group) I did much better. Crossing the top I looked at my time and knew it was bad. RidewithGPS has a segment for this climb and confirmed what I knew: This was the worst of my five timed climbs on this route.

Mole Hill KOM
Mole Hill KOM

Going over the top was sweet. I can still get down the mountain pretty fast. I passed many and was passed by no one. My top speed was 46 mph. Would have liked higher but it was a technical descent. I blew by the first aid station and joined up with a line of riders in the valley. It wasn’t really a pace line because one guy was doing all the pulling and there were six or seven of us getting a free ride. And he didn’t mind.

Big Rock Dairy on the "Loop"
Big Rock Dairy on the “Loop”

The second climb was Reddish Knob. Like the first, it was my worst time recorded except for the first year when it was a dirt climb. So worst on pavement. But a good descent.

Leaving the third aid station I came to the moment of truth. I had been thinking all day I would skip the 27 mile loop and ride on home making it a 77 mile day. I came to the loop. I turned onto it.

Near Stokesville Lodge - I think
Near Stokesville Lodge – I think

The loop was nice but I was all alone. I stopped for a picture then was passed by three women. I first thought about joining them but that may have been creepy and I was worried I would not keep up. I let them go. I was passed by a guy who told me to grab his wheel. I declined and then as he pulled away I caught up to him I told him my dad died last week and this was a day for me to just ride by myself. He understood.

Bridge over North River
Bridge over North River

Then I came to it. The John Deere tractor. My dad’s favorite. He loved his Chevrolet, John Deere, and Arnold Palmer. And I would learn later that Arnie died today.


The loop ended at the same aid station (#3). A brief stop and I was off to ride the last segment. And there was a timed climb on Mole Hill. I told the guy at the timing station I hated him. (I was kidding, of course. I think.)

Robert Hess and Barry Sherry
Robert Hess and Barry Sherry

The day was cloudy and cool, around 60 degrees, all day. It never warmed up. I wore arm warmers and needed them, except for the climbs in which I sweated my butt off. At the end, I saw Robert again, but still not feeling great, headed for home. I even skipped the meal.


It was a day of suffering. I think the circumstances leading up to it made it much worse than it should have been. But a bad day on a bike is better than a good day on the couch.

Eight Bridges


This time I got it right.

With rain hanging in the air from Greensboro to Boston, I tried to find a window when it was dry enough to ride. In addition I was coordinating this ride with Rocky Sprow. We agreed on the start time of 12:30 p.m. and met at Shawnee State Park.

Rocky brought his friend, Ed, with him. The last time we rode together I had some girl strip naked in front of me and jump off a dam. I couldn’t promise anything quite as exciting as that today.

Herline Bridge - Longest bridge in Bedford County
Herline Bridge – Longest bridge in Bedford County

We headed out of Shawnee State Park towards Manns Choice. The roads were mostly dry but the sky was gray.  We found the Herline Bridge just five miles into our ride.

From Herline we went on Rte 31 and US Rte 30. We were on the shoulder on Rte 31 for 5.5 miles to the Jean Bonnet Tavern and another 1.5 miles on US 30. This was the sketchy part of the ride but best get it over in the first part. This is marked as Pa. Bike Route S – a major route across the state. But as I often say, “just because you slap a sign on it (designating it as a bike route) doesn’t make it safe.”

Claycomb Bridge
Claycomb Bridge at Old Bedford Village

We found the the Claycomb Bridge  at Old Bedford Village then followed Old 220 out of Bedford. From this second bridge to the third would be 11 miles – our longest stretch between bridges. Up ahead we could see rain on Blue Knob. It did not look like we would survive without getting rained on.

Bowsers Bridge
Bowsers Bridge

We went through Osterburg which was the location where I followed the Covered Bridge Route last time and missed four bridges. This time I stayed with what I knew was right.

Snooks Covered Bridge
Snooks Covered Bridge

The third bridge was Bowsers Covered Bridge and then it was only two miles farther to Snook’s Covered Bridge.


After Snook’s it was just another two miles to Knisley’s Covered Bridge. I rode through each bridge and this was the most challenging. The floor boards have large gaping cracks in them and I rode diagonally to avoid getting my wheel caught in one. But I rode it through it.

Kniseley Covered Bridge
Kniseley Covered Bridge

In an area where drivers are usually very nice, we were on Dunnings Creek Road. A driver came up behind us and laid on her horn for about 30 seconds all the while she was passing out. Wow. A young lady too which blew away our stereotypes. May she have a better day than whatever it was that was disturbing her.

Ryot Covered Bridge
Ryot Covered Bridge

The Ryot Covered Bridge was just ahead, about 2.5 miles from Knisley. We survived less a little hearing.

Once onto Rt 96, yet another 2.5 miles just before entering New Paris (“Named for the Capitol of France”) we came to the Cuppett Covered Bridge. It is not open to traffic but one needs to just carry the bike over a guard rail and it has good flooring. I biked through it.

Cuppett Covered Bridge
Cuppett Covered Bridge

So that was it. From Bridge 3 to 7, we saw five covered bridges in less than nine miles. We also had been trending uphill but one big hill was still to come.

There is a one mile climb from New Paris to Shellsburg. It probably averages 4% for the climb but the steeper sections seem to be in the 6-8% range. Rocky and Ed were on my wheel but I kept a good pace up, for me. Not sure what I was doing but I saw my heart rate in my red zone above 170. Usually only Mt Washington brings that out of me. Then it went over 180. I’m not sure I’ve recorded higher on a bike. But it felt good. And they were no longer on my wheel.

In July last year I went up with Chey Hillsgrove and Chelsea Johnson in more than 10:00. Today I did it in less than 6:00.

We descended to Shellsburg then went over to Colvin Covered Bridge. Then it was a turn towards home. We passed the Hillegass Camp. Rocky said he spent the summer of his 6th grade year here and learned to swim in Shawnee Lake.

Colvin Covered Bridge
Colvin Covered Bridge

Eight covered bridges in 43 miles. I could have added a ninth (Turner’s) by adding a couple more miles but it is down a heavy gravel road. This route was perfect. The sun came out. Perfect temperature, no rain, eight bridges not four, and good riding partners.



Finished the Canal


After 12 years, I can claim finish to my Pittsburgh to D.C. ride. If I want to.

Capital Crescent Trail crosses C&O
Capital Crescent Trail crosses C&O

In 2001, Andrew and I rode out from D.C. but via the W&OD to Leesburg. We did not pick up the C&O Canal Towpath until Whites Ferry. In 2004 I rode from Pittsburgh to D.C. but bailed on the C&O at Fletcher’s Lock, jumping instead to the Capital Crescent Trail. I have never ridden the entire length of the C&O.


My sister, Betsy, and her husband, Tom Plietz, left on Thursday for a five day trip from Pittsburgh to D.C. I decided to ride with them on their final day. They started from Harpers Ferry. I started from D.C.


I took the trail I knew, the Capital Crescent up to Fletcher’s Lock then jumped on the C&O. When I got near Great Falls I realized I had never been on this path before. When I came back this way in 2004 we had to detour around the Widewater section. But the trail goes through here and it is gorgeous.


I didn’t take the time for photos as I was trying to meet Betsy and Tom. After I passed Riley’s lock I saw a man standing right in my path. And for good reason. He was watching a snake. I went around him and around said snake – a copperhead. Yikes!

Almost ran over this bad boy
Almost ran over this bad boy

I rode farther west/north and saw Betsy and Tom. I said “hi” as I passed them just chuckling to see if they would notice. I think they did.

Tom and Betsy at Riley's Lock
Tom and Betsy at Riley’s Lock

I turned around and we headed back. We pulled into Great Falls for lunch. I’m all about being green but this place is ridiculous. They sell concession food, hotdogs and hamburgers and the like. But they follow “Colorado rules,” i.e., carry in carry out. They have no trash cans. Now this is good if you drove there and you can put your trash in your car.

Don't buy concessions at Great Falls
Don’t buy concessions at Great Falls

But I was on a bike and had no free pockets or bags to carry my trash. This is what happens when you put bureaucrats in charge of policy. It really wasn’t well thought out. In truth, it kept me from purchasing what I needed.


We moved on and I tried to keep a pace so Betsy & Tom could meet their train. When we came to Fletcher’s lock, Betsy was feeling pavement but Tom wanted to ride the entire length of the C&O, so we did. As you reach Georgetown you have to search to find the towpath (hint: it switches sides) and then locate the end.


Even when I rode, I never found, nor did I go looking for, MP-0. It is located by the Thompson Boat House right on the Potomac. We made out way to it then I escorted them to Union Station.


I was a little worried about being pressed for time but never told them. I got them to their train as it was boarding for Pittsburgh. Perfect.


And in the end, I can now say I have ridden the entire length of the canal. And kudos to Tom and Betsy for their five day journey.

Half the Bridges


Shawnee Lake
Shawnee Lake Beach

It was a perfect day for riding – perhaps a little cool at 70 degrees and a cloud cover which would soon burn off. I parked at Shawnee State Park and thought I would ride a clockwise direction. As I exited the park I decided I would ride counter-clockwise, mainly to see most of the covered bridges towards the end of the ride instead of near the front.

Herline Bridge
Herline Bridge

Rte 96 to Rte 31 was lightly traveled. Once on Rte 31 was six miles of heavier traffic. There is a small shoulder which provides enough of a cushions.


The first bridge was the Herline Bridge. It is set back off Rte 31 about half mile away. The Herline Bridge is the longest covered bridge in Bedford County. It spans the Raystown Branch of the Juniata River.

Bedford14 Bedford15

At the intersection of Rte 31 and U.S. Rte 30 in the Jean Bonnet Tavern which dates back to 1779. I did not stop today although I have eaten there before.

Old Bedford Village
Old Bedford Village

After the merge on US 30 I had two miles of pretty sketchy traffic. Like Rte 31, there is a small shoulder most of the way but the traffic can be busy. It is marked as Pa. Bike Route S but is not bike friendly. Thankfully, there was only two miles before turning off in Wolfsburg.

Old Bedford Village
Old Bedford Village

I rode over to Business Rte 220 and rode to the entrance at Old Bedford Village. Here was bridge number 2. It also spans the Raystown Branch of the Juniata River.

Covered Bridge Route - A local Alleghenies Route
Covered Bridge Route – A local Alleghenies Route

Having visited two bridges in the first two miles I knew I was in for the ride portion. Or the slog portion, if you will. I followed Bus. 220 north. I was lightly traveled. Eventually it became William Penn Highway, again, lightly traveled.

Arriving Osterburg I knew the route I had mapped and had ridden before. But before I came to my turn I saw some arrows on the road marked for BBC (Blair Bicycle Club). It followed Bobs Creek and I decided to follow it thinking it would eventually take me to Bowser Bridge. It would not. I was following Bobs Creek downstream when I needed to follow it upstream.


I spotted a Bike Route sign for a covered bridge. I thought it would take me back to Bowser Bridge. Oh it did not. I’m not complaining. It took me across Sawmill and Hammond Hill Roads, beautiful roads I would never have ridden on my own.

I found out later that sign is for a 16 mile loop ride as part of cycling the Alleghenies.

But at Fishersville it took me UP Crissman Road which is a nasty climb that I was not expecting. As I summited the climb, I was in an apple orchard and thought for a moment I was at the orchard close to Shellsville. I know there is a climb there.

But I was rewarded with a mile and half descent. Pretty sweet. Reviewing the ride afterward, at the bottom if I would have made a right instead of a left turn I would have seen the Ryot Covered Bridge and may have ridden back for the Kinsley Bridge. But I wasn’t sure where I was and I knew south (left) was the direction I needed to head.

Cuppert Bridge
Cuppert Bridge

Cuppert Bridge
Cuppert Bridge

Actually I thought I was farther north than I was and was looking for the road to take me to Ryot Bridge. I was surprised when I found the Cuppett Bridge. It is not open to vehicle traffic – a good thing since there are guard rails at the Rte 96 end. But I was able to ride through it. This was bridge number 3 and spans Dunning Creek.

Cuppert Bridge
Cuppert Bridge

Leaving New Paris on Rte 96 I passed the road to Gravity Hill but it had very fresh oil for a new chip and seal surface. For cars. Not for this bike.

Vincent Van Gas
Vincent Van Gas

There is a one mile climb to an apple orchard which leads to a one mile descent to Shellsburg. In Shellsburg I stopped at the Vincent Van Gas pump. This was Rte 30 art commissioned by the Pennsylvania 250 celebration in 2008. The paint is starting to weather on the left (west) side.

Colvin Bridge
Colvin Bridge

I followed Mill Road to the Colvin Bridge. This was bridge number 4 and spans Shawnee Branch.

Colvin Bridge
Colvin Bridge


Shortly thereafter I was supposed to turn left. But there is no road there. Oh Google (Maps) – you’re such a kidder. I will have to have that updated.

I enjoy making “courses” and uploading those to the Garmin. Today I discovered a neat feature – “Distance to Destination.” It was neat watching the countdown except that when I went “off course” by not turning on a non-existent road it was stuck as 3.00 miles until I came back on course.

Skip Back Road
Skip Back Road

In the end I hoped to ride eight bridges. I just got half the bridges. But I learned quite a bit about the roads – which to take and which to avoid. And that’s always a good lesson.

Shawnee Lake
Shawnee Lake



Spokes of Hope Saturday Ride


Our riding group from Spokes of Hope met at the Valley Preferred Cycling Center for what has become our annual ride in the valley.  I joined Ken and Cindi Hart, Jay Bodkin, Kathy Robinson, Andrew Werner, and Branan Cooper (but Branan could ride only for a short bit).

Ken Hart, Kathy Robinson
Ken Hart, Kathy Robinson

Cindi asked us to gather and we formed a small circle. She gave thanks for friendship and then I offered up that this must also be a dedication circle. I led by speaking about Jake, whose family I had visited an hour earlier. And I dedicated my ride and day to Amelia Schmidt.

Bowers, Pa.

We rode out country roads to Topton. But not without incident. Jay came to railroad tracks and did a bunny hop. He hopped right out of his cleat – the shoe suspended on his pedal. He did an emergency repair and we were able to continue as a group.

Topton, Pa.

We did a loop out to Bowers and ended up at the cafe in Topton next to the railroad tracks. While drinking milkshakes and smoothies (I had a smoothie), Cindi asked for a hill on the return ride where we could ride for the people we have dedicated to.

Near Topton, Pa.
Near Topton, Pa.

Andrew found a hill near Mertztown. Cindi and I went up. I yelled for Amelia and Alex and Jake.


Andrew and Kathy followed. Jay and Ken watched. After the dedication, we passed a pumpkin patch and were surprised to see they were harvesting pumpkins in August.

Well, at least this writer was surprised.

Cindi Hart
Cindi Hart

It is always great riding with these cancer survivors as they enjoy their lives and triumph over cancer.

Clockwise: Ken, Andrew, Jay, Kathy, Barry, Cindi’s shoes (Credit: Cindi Hart)



I think this was the eighth straight year for Spokes of Hope. It was my fifth straight year attending.


The last night of racing for the season at Valley Preferred Cycling Center, Spokes of Hope was invited to “take a lap against cancer.” We met at 4:00 p.m. and got to ride on the track until 5:00 p.m.


The featured pediatric survivor was Abby. She is a five year old who has bilateral retinoblastoma. Ponder that for a moment. Five years old.


We met at 4:00 and rode some practice laps on the track. The kids rode down on the apron while the big kids got to ride up on the track.


Unlike past years where we were an intermission guest, this year we were first up – right before the national anthem.


We were announced as taking a “Lap Against Cancer.” The crowd enthusiastically supported us – little and big kids alike.


As we left the track the National Anthem was sung. We stood at attention, me with my hand over my heart.


This is always a special night. Honoring kids and seeing old friends. And we got to see some good bike racing too.


Extreme Skinny Dipping


I met Rocky Sprow and his friend, Ed, at Fort Bedford. It was a beautiful morning.

Bedford Springs
Bedford Springs

We rolled out past Bedford Springs. It is a beautiful property with a nice golf course. We followed country roads for more than 20 miles to Lake Koon and Lake Gordon.

Bedford Springs
Bedford Springs

When we came to the spillway at the dam we stopped to view the lake on one side (Lake Koon) and the spillway on the other (empties into Lake Gordon). I met a young couple and had a conversation with them.

In a few minutes these kids would get naked and jump!
In a few minutes these kids would get naked and jump!

The young woman surprised me by jumping up on the top of the railing overlooking the lake. I went over to take a picture because I told her I thought “she was nuts.” We talked for a few minutes looking down at the water. I thought the distance looked similar to jumping into the River Aare in Bern, Switzerland.

Lake Koon
Lake Koon

The couple had been getting ready to jump and we weren’t leaving. I was enjoying talking to them about jumping at that time in Switzerland that I jumped. Finally, the young man somewhat impatiently said to me “well, we were getting ready to jump naked into the lake once you leave.” And I said, “we don’t mind if you jump.” And they did. They stripped quickly, dropped their clothes on the dam roadway, and jumped. Total time from standing to jumping was about two seconds.

Rocky Sprow and Barry Sherry

Once they surfaced I yelled down to them and asked if they wanted their clothes taken down to the lake. They said they did so I gathered up their clothes and took them lakeside. They were still (hiding) in the water so I got their attention and showed them where I left them. I also noticed a pair of shorts were near the end of the dam. I think the young man probably left a pair there and when they were done, he would walk up, grab the shorts, then go retrieve their clothes in the middle of the dam. So glad I could help!

We remounted then followed the road another couple of miles until it dipped into Maryland at U.S. Rte 220. We were in Maryland for just two miles. We made a loop then hooked up with our original route to follow it back to Bedford.

We crossed the dam again and saw no evidence of our naked dam jumpers. We continued on.

The route back was a bit punchy on the way back. I secretly decided to win every KOM from my friends. I think I did (of course it helps if they don’t know what I’m doing to them).

Bedford Springs Old Course
Bedford Springs Old Course

Back to Bedford, it was a great day. Of course, not every day do two young people strip naked in front of you and jump off a dam. Stay classy Bedford, stay classy.

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