Until November 2019, I was running the Garmin 510 bike computer which was not one of the newer ones capable of live Strava segments. I bought the Wahoo Elemnt Bolt and slowly made a transition to running the Wahoo.
There was a learning curve for advanced features although the basic stuff of speed, time, and distance, were ready immediately. I rode through spring and then in late spring, upgraded to a paid subscription for Strava.
Before subscribing, I would check known segments after each ride. Sometimes I would set a new PR (personal record). Usually not. Nowhere was this more evident than in the summer of 2019 when I was chasing a segment in Prince William Forest Park.
Each day I would go to the segment and go full out for 45-50 seconds. Sometimes I thought it felt good. Other times I knew I didn’t have it. Then one day I got home and uploaded my ride and found I had the KOM.
Live Strava Segments are just that. As I approach a segment I am notified. Then the big GO! appears on my screen. Throughout the segment, I can see my progress.
Looking back on those Prince William Forest Park segments, I always went as hard as I could. So seeing that I was one second down may not have been enough to find that one second. But when I’m on the 3-5 or 10-minute segments, one can find the energy to push it a little harder to match the last time when you are getting feedback.
Live Segments have changed the way I ride. I do a lot of LSD (Long, Slow, Distance) rides. I also know that interval training is necessary to improve. Live Segments give me those intervals that require me to go hard.
Nowhere was that better shown than today’s ferry ride. The W&OD was crowded but I came to the Kincaid Climb just before Leesburg. I was worried about getting a good time here because there was a slight headwind and there were lots of people. If I had to slow while waiting to pass I knew I was toast. But bad luck avoided me and my computer said 1:38 which was down from my previous PR of 1:55. My actual Strava time was 1:39.
Without Live Segments, this is one I would normally just roll through with no effort. In fact, my last ten rides, before today, were: 2:27, 2:17, 2:43, 2:28, 1:55 (old PR), 2:18, 2:24, 2:31, 2:44, and 2:23. I went hard and was rewarded. It’s not great – I am 33rd overall but that’s out of 16,292 athletes. So in that regard, this old cyclist is in the top 99% – 99.8% to be exact. And I am number one in my age group.
I even hesitated to go for a PR on Kincaid. Part of me wanted to save myself for the next climb. And that, too, is the beauty of Live Segments. Had I seen that I was down even 5-6 seconds I probably would have just sat up and soft-pedaled to the end.
I was expecting to compete for four segments today. The ones that show on my Wahoo are the ones that I have selected (starred). I was on the shoulder of US 15 North when I got the GO for Sprint to the SHIP and don’t get TRUCKED. Instant feedback – I went through in 2:01, lowering my time from 2:12 three weeks ago. My Strava time was actually 2:02. But I was two for two. I was on a roll.
A family exiting the ferry
I came today to improve my time on the climb after leaving Whites Ferry. Three weeks ago I did this climb and had a PR (9:17). I waited at the top for my friend, Tim Casebere, at what I thought would be the “finish” line. I was actually short of the finish which was located over the top of the climb and about halfway down the next dip in the road.
When I got home I saw that I was second on the day – beaten only by Tim by three seconds. I laughed. I guess the clock was ticking while I waited. So I knew that if I simply didn’t stop at the top today I would improve my time on Climb Outta Whites Ferry. I went hard, saw that I was 45 seconds up, and then saw the PR on the screen (7:25). Wow! Almost two minutes. Note the “official” Strava time was 7:26 – I’ll still take it.
Climb Outta Whites Ferry
I was happy. I was riding well and I headed next over towards Edwards Ferry then back into Poolesville. There was one segment remaining, that I knew of. It was a climb on Martinsburg Road. And I was three for three and drenched with sweat. And it felt great.
I made my way over to Beallsville and decided if Rt 28 was closed five miles ahead (there was a bridge out at the Monocacy River two weeks earlier when I rode it) that I would take the road which now would be less traveled. It was closed ahead and as I hoped, I had no traffic for the next two and 1/4 miles to the turn onto Martinsburg Road.
Immediately I was smacked in the face with a GO! I was on Power Station Hill Sprint. I could see it wasn’t long and went through in 0:39 – down from my previous best, 1:07. (Actual Strava time was 0:38). I was four for four.
I turned on the beautiful concrete Martinsburg Road and again, GO! I got into a big gear and watched my advantage over my PR increase. I went through the Concert Grind up to Wasche Rd. in 2:28, lowering my PR from 3:14. (Actual time was 2:27.). I was five for five and knew at least one more segment remained.
Martinsburg Road
The reason it was one more is that three weeks ago the Martinsburg Rd Spring Climb popped up while I was riding with Tim. My PR was 1:01 that day and I knew it was ahead. But would I have anything left after going five for five in previous segments?
These Live Strava segments have been wonderful but not perfect. Some that I have starred and are supposed to show up on my Wahoo, haven’t. And I had starred some segments before today and they did not show up as race segments. Yet. So I knew one remained but thought there could be more.
I hit the downhill portion of Martinsburg Road pretty hard then started up the climb. Then came the GO! and I dug deep. I finished in 0:45 which surprised me. And now I was six for six.
It was a good workout and I was prepared for more segments. I didn’t know how much more I could find if there were more segments to pop up. But that would be it.
Without Live Segments, I probably would have ridden “medium-hard.” But I never would have dug deep for six segments on this ride. I can’t see not being a premium member of Strava simply for this benefit. It has changed my riding for the better.
In the end, I had 17 PRs on this ride. For some of those I wasn’t even aware of but I got them because I went hard on the segments. Because of Live Segments.
The Remaining PRs
Trailside School to Catoctin Circle (17:47) N. Kind St. from North St. (2:16) 1/2 Sprint to the Ferry (3:37)* Jerusalem to Darnestown (6:46) 109 to Dickerson on 28 (6:34) Martinsburg Road (11:56) ElmerSchoolRd2 – Whites Ferry (6:38)* Run to Whites Ferry (3:36)* Whites Ferry Last Sprint (2:37) Come to Think of it I Did Just Get Off the Ferry (5:58) Belmont Ride to Clairborne Bridge (2:49)**
__ *These are starred segments in Strava but did not show up on my Wahoo to race. But I still did OK.
__ **I didn’t know this segment existed but two dicks went flying by me at the light at Catoctin Circle. It was a red light that another cyclist and I was waiting for. Just as it turned white (for pedestrians and cyclists), they had a head of steam and went flying by us dangerously close. I thought what dicks but then I caught them. I wanted to follow but they passed a couple of people dangerously close. When it was finally clear, I went by never to look back at them. I kept my speed up simply to get away from them. No one likes to ride near dicks.
All the years I’ve been riding and I’ve never been to Sugarloaf Mountain – Maryland. I’ve seen group rides in Montgomery Co. (Md.) organized for Sugarloaf and decided it would make a nice ride. And it was so nice I would do it thrice.
White’s Ferry
I mapped out a ride and downloaded it to my Wahoo bike computer. I prefer “loop” rides to “out-and-back” so I made this a loop that would begin and end from Poolesville although from Poolesville to Leesburg would have to be out and back because there’s no other way.
Barn on Martinsburg Road
Every ride needs a ferry. It’s so relaxing to cross the Potomac River at White’s Ferry. Bikes are last off the boat and one advantage is you know for the next 10-15 minutes there will be no cars behind you.
At the observation point on Sugarloaf
On June 16th I parked in Leesburg and headed for White’s Ferry. After the climb out of the valley, I turned on Wasche Road. It is a country road with very little traffic. It connected with Martinsburg Road which is this cool one-lane looking road in a canopy of trees.
Martinsburg Road
Rte 28 to Dickerson is not so good (traffic) but it’s only a mile and a quarter. Once on Mt. Ephraim Road one can see this hill (mountain) that pops up out of nowhere. On my first attempt, I was going to ride in a clockwise direction but discovered that was the wrong way. So I reversed course and went counterclockwise.
The high point in this picture is Sugarloaf Mountain
The road itself is not good pavement and it is completely wooded until one reaches the overlook. There is a small picnic area here as well.
Picnic area on Sugarloaf
On my first trip down I turned right on Comus Road. Gravel. Then it was a left on Mt. Ephraim Road which was also gravel. It became W. Harris Road which was also gravel. I took that to Barnesville where I picked up pave. Beallsville Road was lightly traveled but no shoulders and some blind corners – I was not comfortable and would not recommend it.
Just 10 days later I invited Tim Casebere to ride with me. We went to the mountain the way I had gone before but this time came back on pave. At Martinsburg Road, we stayed on the road which gave us a really nice descent followed by a nice climb. Wasche Road is a better choice if your legs are hurting. But Martinsburg Road was very lightly traveled. And we saw a wild canine – thinking it may have been in coyote as it was too large to be a fox. Pretty cool.
It has a sign – it must be a mountain
Finally, on July 19, Eryn was visiting from New York and she joined Tim and me to see what the deal was with this ride. It was very hot with temperatures in the mid-90s. We altered our route slightly first going into Poolesville then taking a busier road to Beallsville. But here we caught a break because there was a detour on Rte 28 because of a bridge out at the Monocacy River so we had Rte 28 to ourselves.
Beallsville, Md.
,We had planned, and stopped, on the way back at the Dickerson Market for water. but before I went in I spotted a cold gallon of water (partial) on the porch. I know this was purchased by a cyclist, used to fill water bottles, then left on the porch for the next cyclist to use. I’ve been on both ends myself – sometimes I bought a gallon and left it behind, today I used it. Thanks, cyclist!
Crossing the Potomac on White’s Ferry
The entire time you are in Maryland you can’t quite believe you are in Montgomery County, the same county with Bethesda, Gaithersburg, and Rockville. This section is rural, and while the mountain is not that much of a mountain, it feels more like you are in Frederick County. But what a nice ride.
Without looking, and I’m not, it has been a while (years) since I have ridden on Skyline Drive. The forecast looked favorable enough, which simply meant – no rain.
I was going to park at the library but saw a park – Burrell Brooks Park – and it was nearly perfect. It had a port-a-john, a clean one, in fact. But there was no shade. It did give me an opportunity to take a shortcut over to Skyline Drive but I guess you’re not supposed to use it. At least cars.
Entrance Station
I waited in line at the entrance station in among cars. The ranger had pleasant words for me as I handed her my senior pass for free admittance.
Dickey Ridge
And then it was pedal and sweat. The temperature was a reasonable 84°. Who wouldn’t take that for a July day in Virginia? But the humidity must have been close to 100%. The sweat was pouring off me.
View from Dickey Ridge Visitor Center
I wanted to rub my eyes, or at least my right eye which was burning, but that often makes it worse. I just kept pedaling.
View looking west
I reached the Dickey Ridge Visitor Center at MP 4. I pulled in. I went in the restroom and found some tissue and water. I cleaned my (1) eyes; (2) glasses; and (3) camera lens. I was soaked including my shoes. I had squishy feet.
Indian Run Overlook
My plan today was simple. Ride until climbing stopped. Then turn around and coast back home. But at MP 6 the road goes downhill. And that was too early to turn around. So I enjoyed a 1.5 mile downhill before I started climbing again.
Indian Run Overlook
I came to an Indian Run Overlook at MP 9.5. Took some photos and decided that was a good turn around point. I wish it was all downhill from there but there was the 1.5 descent I enjoyed on the way up and I got to climb that back. But once reaching Dickey Ridge Visitor Center it truly was all downhill from there.
Skyline Drive at Indian River Overlook
Great roads. Great pavement. Sweeping curves. No shoulders but, generally, this is tourist traffic and drivers respect speed limits and cyclists.
Skyline Drive headed north
My max speed going back (or going up on the one descent) was just 42 mph. Would have liked to have gone faster but what a great ride. Need to come back here soon.
The heat had come to west-central Pennsylvania the past couple days at the temperatures were up in the 90s. My planned ride was a 65-mile ride around Altoona. It was already near 80º when I hoped to be rolling at 9:00 a.m. But my stomach told me to seek a pre-ride comfort break so I drove to a local Sheetz to use their restroom.
Horseshoe Curve – My Happy Place
My actual roll-out time was 9:30 a.m. That meant I would be out in the heat 30 minutes later than I planned. I had two water bottles on the bike and hoped to find a Sheetz, other gas stations, or country stores for additional water. And then just as I started I got a warning my Di2 (electronic shift) was on low battery. I hoped it wouldn’t fail.
The climb to Horseshoe Curve went off as normal. I have a feeling with each passing year I am just a tad bit slower. Once through the tunnel under the Curve, the road turns up. And it sure is beautiful. Only four cars in four miles passed me. I’m surprised more locals don’t use this road but maybe it’s too steep.
The tunnel at Horseshoe Curve. There is a portal on the left to carry water – not traffic.
I thought of my friend, Scott Scudamore, who climbed this with me in 2010 with some friends. Across the top on Gallitzin Road, I passed through Tunnel Hill. I was glad to see the once-closed Country Store re-opened but it was too soon into the ride to stop. The ride down Sugar Run Road was great. Again, I thought of the two times Scott and I rode this in 2010. We had such fun on the descent.
In Duncansville, I passed a Sheetz. I checked my bottles and I was only down 1/2 of one. It didn’t make sense to stop for water. It was still too early to refill because there wasn’t anything to refill. I hoped I’d see another Sheetz.
Canal Historic Site, Hollidaysburg, Pa.
In Hollidaysburg, I went off course when I saw a canal historic site. Here was the end of the Pennsylvania Canal and the beginning of the Allegheny Portage Railroad. I could spend more time here but needed to ride on.
Canal Historic Site Hollidaysburg
I had mapped out the course for today’s ride and took off on Loop Road. I crossed Reservoir Road and turned on Locke Mountain Road (going down, not up). But up ahead I came to a Bridge Out sign. When I saw the sign I thought I would go down the road anyhow because most bridges that are out can be walked with a bike.
Not this bridge, It had a locked fence and there was nowhere to go. It looks like this bridge will never be repaired.
They really don’t want you crossing this bridge. Out of battery. Out of water. Out of road.
I rode out to U.S. 22 for my own detour. I came to the intersection and saw a cyclist who was stopped. We exchanged pleasantries and I missed my opportunity to ask him about water. I was completely out of water and was very thirsty. I was parched.
Hollidaysburg next to the canal historical site
I saw a sign which stated Hollidaysburg-2, and Altoona-4. I was surprised I was so close to town because I knew I still had 25 miles to ride. And here I made a critical mistake because I needed water. I needed to find water and then readjust everything once I got hydrated. But I also wanted to finish the mapped course and I prioritized that above finding water, which was stupid.
I was suffering greatly when I arrived at Canoe Creek State Park. I went in their admin building and their fountain was there – an oasis that I would kill for. But it was covered up – Sorry, it was closed due to COVID-19 even though the transmission by touching objects had been ruled out by the CDC months ago. They had a restroom and I filled my water bottles there in the sink.
Lemonade and pulled port. And ice water.
I went to the Canoe Creek E.U.B. church. It has been closed for years and is now a bat sanctuary. But in 1958 it was the first (of three) churches my dad was assigned to as a student pastor. I could feel his presence as my mind thought back 60 years to this student-pastor serving this church.
The former Canoe Creek E.U.B. Church
After I left the church, I went back to the park and found the concession stand open. I wisely bought some food and drink and took 20 minutes to refuel. I had bonked. My body ran out of fuel. The heat, combined with running out of water, and I had no energy left.
I made some critical mistakes. I hadn’t researched the presence of stores or gas stations on the route. I used to believe that a Sheetz gas/store was everywhere near Altoona. Well, not on this route. I had some great products by Skratch Labs – sitting at home. I grabbed two Kind bars and had them in my pocket but they were a chocolate nut mess. At the intersection of US 22, I should have gone searching for water. Instead, I followed my planned route.
The Di2 low battery had already disabled my big gear so on the rolling roads I could not pedal in the big ring, I spun, if you call it that, on Scotch Valley Road back to Altoona. I would say I was going nowhere fast but more properly, I was going nowhere slowly.
Food at Canoe Creek. Pulled Pork was $2.50.
As I got closer to Altoona, I made one adjustment to my route once I knew my way without my pre-drawn map. I knew it might leave me a little short of 65 miles (today’s goal) and figured I could ride around the mall to complete the distance. Which I did.
Scotch Valley Road
The heat really took its toll on me. Or heat combined with dehydrating because I ran out of water. And fuel. I did not carry the right fuel with me and I paid for it. Never did find another Sheetz until I was 0.5 mile from the mall where I started. And not having my big gears also hurt. It was a difficult ride but I am thankful to have finished it.
I was not looking for a gravel bike. Time may prove me wrong but I am not looking to join the latest trend in cycling – gravel rides. So why a gravel bike?
I was not looking for a gravel bike. Time may prove me wrong but I am not looking to join the latest trend in cycling – gravel rides. So why a gravel bike?
My Trek Pilot had a structural failure and was unsafe to ride, although who knows how long I rode it safely like that? But Trek would warranty the frame so I wanted to replace the Pilot. I wanted a backup road bike but knew I wasn’t going to go deep into cost or features.
Vienna, Va.
I think a new Domane, even at the low end, was a bit pricey for me. I never considered the Emonda, and maybe I should have. But I also saw the Checkpoint in my local bike shop. Tom Scheiz told me about this gravel bike from Trek.
We are in a pandemic. BIke shops and manufacturers were slammed on inventory. It is hard to find a new bike anywhere and to order one involves a 6-10 week wait. Even with a credit from the Pilot, I didn’t want to spend too much. I looked at the Checkpoint 4 but I did not like the color it came in. So I looked at the Checkpoint 5.
I couldn’t even tell you the difference between the two machines except the Checkpoint 5 had a color scheme that I liked. Well, not so much liked as one that I really didn’t like which was the offer on the Checkpoint 4. It didn’t pop like my 2014 Domane but it was acceptable. More importantly, it was available.
The store didn’t have it in stock. They didn’t have any bike in stock except for, as Tom said, for extra-large and extra-small. But they had one on order with a delivery date of four weeks. Tom put my name on it and it came in on schedule.
So what do I have? I have a gravel bike. I am not an expert nor have I read other reviews. These are solely my thoughts. The biggest difference between a gravel bike and a road bike comes in clearance and drive train.
The bike came with knobby 42cc tires which I replaced with 32cc road tires. The 42s are perfect for trail or off-road, gravel (gasp) riding. There is more clearance in the fork for those instances when the tire picks up gunk. Loved my 2014 Domane but the clearance was so tight, even a pebble could get lodged between the tire and the fork. Even though I was running 25s, Paul McIntyre suggested I go no higher than 23s. With this bike, I will have no problems.
The other clearance issue is the bottom bracket. Gravel bikes sit a little higher.
The drive train is made for gravel. Gravel can really shake the drive train and this has a clutch that can take up some chain slack. I think. I have to figure it out. But other than that, it’s a road bike. For gravel.
It is aluminum. The knock on aluminum is that it will shake you on very long rides. I find the bike to be sturdy, handles well, and I really haven’t noticed a difference over 50 miles. It is heavier than my carbon bikes but I went out and flew up the hill on Hunter Station, setting a new PR. I’m not worried about the weight. Except for tough climbs.
The Wildman
It becomes my back up road bike. I have no qualms about riding it on the road for long distances except for the radar unit tail light. It also becomes my bad weather bike, if not no other reason, if I crash a bike I would prefer that it be aluminum than carbon fiber. Not that I plan to though.
It becomes my off-road bike. I can see myself doing more rail trails than I have in the past simply because I have a bike that can handle those now. It has plenty of extra frame holes for mounting fenders and panniers. This bike can do it all.
I run the Garmin Varia rear light/radar unit. Unfortunately, there is no room for the light on the seat post because I have to carry a saddle bag (tubes/flat kit). But there is room for a tool kit or a “bottle” kit on the frame so I will be moving my saddlebag and then running the radar unit. And just like that, I have a road/gravel bike that will do it all.
First impressions: I am very impressed with this bike. If someone were looking for an entry-level road bike I might even suggest this because it is fit for the road. But it is geared slightly lower than a compact (30×46 v 34v50) so it will give up some in the speed department but gain some back in the climbing department.
Trek Checkpoint (Trek Photo)
Checkpoint ALR 5 is the best value gravel bike in the lineup. It’s a high-quality build that will hold up for long, rugged miles on pavement, dirt, and even the most treacherous gravel roads. But what sets this model apart is the performance parts and the wealth of features like adjustable horizontal sliding dropouts, massive tire clearance, and extra mounts that make it easy to customize for your kind of adventure.
300 Series Alpha Aluminum, tapered head tube, Control Freak internal routing, 3S chain keeper, rack and fender mounts, flat mount disc, horizontal sliding dropouts, 142x12mm thru axle
It was December 2006, when I went to buy my first “real” road bike. I was looking for an aluminum bike but eventually had my eyes turn to a carbon fiber bike, the Trek Pilot. But it seemed a little more than I wanted to pay and at first, I did not buy it.
But then, Adam Lewandowski called me and told me Trek had dropped the price, or it was a sale, but, whatever, it was 10% off. Adam told me it would be the last bike I would ever buy. And thus, I took delivery right before New Year’s Day (2007).
My inaugural ride with the bike was my “Manassas Loop.” I followed the Prince William Parkway counter-clockwise. When I reached the Coles District Fire Department, about 20 miles. I had a flat. It was not a good start to the Pilot’s career.
At the Tom Simpson Memorial, Mont Ventoux, France
As I understood it, Trek had introduced the Madone, as their racing bike. Although later they would have different models, the Pilot was introduced as their endurance/comfort bike. It was perfect for my riding. It also had a “triple” chainring upfront. This would be the only negative for this bike.
Triple rings were okay for mountain bikes but not so much for road bikes. The front ring was always problematic. Often I had to “feather” it after shifting to make it sound cleaner. Sometimes it would skip shifts. The Shimano-105 Triple was not a good drive train. Occasionally I could expect the chain to come off while pedaling. I got very good pedaling while the chain was wrapped around the pedal and my shoe, and coaxing it back into position without stopping to fix it.
Blue Knob State Park – near Altoona, Pa.
I loved the color and style. Rounded tubes and a bright red paint job, the bike stood out. It was sweet looking and I was proud to ride it.The Agony of Defeat – 2012
This bike took me places. None better than Mount Washinton, New Hampshire. Eight times I went to Mount Washington. I completed seven hill climbs. The first, 07/07/07, was canceled due to dangerous weather.
Mount Washington Auto Road Hill Climb – 2009
It made a perfect climbing bike. We (or my mechanics) would swap out the front ring for a 24t and put a 32t or 34t on the rear. This was after the first year when I did not make any changes to the bike.
Col du Lautaret, France – I got caught in snow here – July 19, 2011
It went to France. I was struggling on the climb up the Col du Tourmalet (who doesn’t?) and on the descent over the top I noticed a wheel wobble. I thought I had a broken spoke, and stopped to tighten them, but in a bike shop in St. Lary, I was told the wheel was cracked. I shouldn’t ride it. But I was in France. I rode it. I made it up Mont Ventoux and Alpe d’Huez with it. Maybe more importantly, I made it down Mont Ventoux and Alpe d’Huez.
Powering up L’Alpe d’Huez
I rode RAGBRAI (Iowa) and Ride the Rockies (Colorado). It was at RTR that I learned a valuable lesson which I follow to this day – “Never put a bike on a car if you can carry it in the car.” In 2013 I drove to Colorado by myself. I had plenty of room in my car for a bike but it looked so cool on top of the car. It was in Wichita, Kansas when I unlocked the front caliper that was holding the bike on the rack and moved to the rear to loosen the safety strap on the rear wheel. A gust of wind pushed the bike over except it was caught in the mount. The drop out at the bottom of the fork bent.
A bike on a car looks so cool
I found a bike shop in Colorado Springs the day before RTR and they replaced the fork with a used one from a Madone. It worked but now I had a red, white, and blue bike for the next three years. I found a company that could repair it and make it look sweet again.
Blue fork on my bike – with a car to match (NH, 2013)
But it was aging and I bought a 2014 Trek Domane to be my primary bike. The Pilot became my back up bike. In 2019 I had the components replaced so it would shift better. But it was never perfect. It was a Pilot with a triple chainring.
The Brand. No, this Bike. Not this Cyclist.
When I got a new Domane earlier this year, I made a decision. I would move (that is, my mechanics would move) the drive train from my 2014 Domane to the Pilot. I would have the only Trek Pilot with Di2 electronic shifting. Because it did not have internal cable routing, we had come up with a mount for the Di2 battery on the frame.
But Tom Szeide called me today with bad news. He was stripping down the frame to move the components to the Pilot and found a major crack in the chainstay. The bike was ruined. And I was sad.
Cracked chainstay
Trek would give me a limited warranty for the frame and I would use it to get the Checkpoint. But I would have preferred to keep and ride the Pilot with the modification of electronic shifting. It was a sweet ride. I estimate that I put 30,000 miles on it. I’m not 100% sure because it was only post-cancer that I have tracked my miles. But I know I rode it about as far as it would last. I just wish it would have lasted longer.
I was looking at the Winter 2020 edition of Rails to Trails magazine and saw a very brief article about the Allegheny Portage Railroad. I had seen the eastern end many times, it is well preserved as a National Park Historic Site but I had not been on the western end.
Trailhead for Path of the Flood Trail
In 2010, on my first ride from Somerset to Punxsutawney, I had taken a wrong turn and ended up at the trailhead of the Path of the Flood Trail. I turned around when the pavement ended and the trail became crushed limestone.
First quarter-mile; the pavement turns to a gravel road
I wonder what adventure I would have had if I had stayed on the trail that day. Lost, that’s what adventure.
Path of the Flood Trail. The river is visible on the far left beyond the train tracks.
But today I decided I would do a loop by following the trail to South Fork then taking the road back to where I had parked. The forecast was for rain starting around 11:00 a.m. so I went early.
Path of the Flood Trail – the crushed limestone trail turned to mud and single-track
I drove to the trailhead but the park was closed. Not sure if it was the season (a weekday in March) or was in response to the Coronavirus. I went back into Franklin and parked on the street.
On the trail to Staple Bend
It started to rain as soon as I started to pedal. I was in it to win it and the rain would not stop me.
A bridge at the base of the Staple Bend Tunnel
The trail went from decent crushed limestone to less limestone then some grass/mud areas. I was riding my new Trek Domane with 32cc tires and felt comfortable on the surface.
This is an uphill section to the tunnel. As with most photos of hills, this does not capture the grade but it is steeper than it looks.
It was only 2.5 miles from start to the Staple Bend Tunnel. I suspect that this was the start/finish of the Allegheny Portage Railroad. The tunnel was the first railroad tunnel in the U.S. (1833). From here would have been an inclined plane that probably went to the river’s edge.
It was here the trail would have been a true “rail-trail” because in this section it followed the path of the Allegheny Portage Railroad. And the surface felt like it. There was the “climb” up to the tunnel. It was probably about 6-7% grade, and while I could ride it, it took me a few steps before I could get going.
Supposed to see light at the other end. This is the eastern portal of the Staple Bend Tunnel.
I had read that you could go through the tunnel without a flashlight because you can see light at the end of the tunnel. Not today. Pitch black. It was actually pretty frightening looking. I thought that maybe it was closed for the winter and there was a closed door at the other end. But surely there would be a sign at the open end.
There was light at the end of the Staple Bend Tunnel
I decided to try it. I would ride deep into the tunnel and see if I could see. I had a helmet light and a small portable flashlight. I started pedaling and scanned the flashlight back and forth. I made noise, lots of noise. I was fearful there may be an animal or two in the tunnel. At some point, maybe halfway, I could begin to make out some daylight.
Staple Bend Tunnel westbound – much different portal than on the eastern end
As I exited the tunnel, the rain started again, this time heavier. The trail was in pretty good shape, high above the Little Conemaugh River. There was no guard fence and there was a warning to dismount and walk because of the steep dropoff. I did not.
On the left are the stones that were the original trackbed for Allegheny Portage Railroad
At Mineral Point, which was only a little more than a mile from the tunnel, the trail ended. I have no idea with the topography of the land where the Allegheny Portage Railroad would have gone.
But I went, down and under the train tracks and across the bridge into Mineral Point. This town was virtually wiped out in the 1889 flood. Here I picked up the Path of the Flood Trail. The trail climbed on the north side of the river. It was never a hard climb but a gradual one.
Little Conemaugh River in Mineral Point
Across the river, I could see the Conemaugh Viaduct. It was a beautiful stone structure in 1889 where the rushing waters forced debris and piled up until the structure collapsed. It was, by some accounts, more forceful than the damn break.
Conemaugh Viaduct
The Pennsylvania Rail Road needed to get trains back in service and amazingly, had a new structure in place within two weeks! A permanent stone structure built in the early 1890s.
Path of the Flood Trail between Mineral Point and South Fork
I got into South Fork and planned on taking the road back. But first, I wanted to continue east towards the remnants of the dam, which I have seen many times. But then heavy rains came. I turned around and decided to head back to the car.
I had gone a little more than two miles when I pulled over to put on my glasses. I couldn’t find them. I had started the day wearing sunglasses, despite the absence of sun, to keep the rain out of my eyes. But they had fogged up and eventually, I tucked them away. They were in my back jacket pocket and now they weren’t. They had fallen out when I got my phone out at the tunnel and I thought they must have fallen out somewhere between the tunnel and South Fork.
At first, I decided to roll on without them. It was raining, and cold. The glasses served me many miles but they were old. My $50 investment would be gone. I went about half a mile farther and decided I would backtrack and I may find the glasses. I knew no one would be on the trail and if they fell out, I would find them. They had white frames, not black, so should be easy to spot. I made the decision I would trace my route to Mineral Point but not the final section through the tunnel as it was pretty rough riding.
On my way back, as I came to the viaduct, the morning fog had lifted and I went for a photo. Then I took the flashlight out of my jacket and put it in my jersey pocket. There wasn’t room. My glasses were in my jersey. Duh! I must have put them there after they fell out of my jacket. They were with me the entire time.
Path of the Flood Trail in Mineral Point
I rolled on to Mineral Point. As I crossed the bridge a geyser of sealant came gushing out of my front tire. I had a leak. I quickly turned around for a slight downhill section to go as fast as I could to rotate the wheel and get the sealant to seal it. It worked. I think.
I started the climb on the road out of Mineral Point. The tubeless tire seemed to have sealed. This road was steep. It was also about 3 1/2 miles. I got to the top, turned right, and began the coast home. I was worried about the tire but it appeared to be holding. I got back to the car and tried to wipe the bike down. I inflated the tire as it was down to 35 psi (from 80) I put it back to 80 and it appeared to hold. I drove through Johnstown on my way to a bike shop. Then I heard the tire. It was leaking again. A not so good ending to a wet and otherwise, perfect, day.
Got a bath in sealant
EDIT/EPILOGUE – The great tubeless experiment 2020 lasted little more than a month. I needed to get a repair fast and City Cycles in Johnstown was closed – forced closed by the governor. I called Paul McIntyre, in Pittsburgh. Paul had been my go-to mechanic in Reston before moving to Pittsburgh. Their bike shop was also forced to close but Paul met me in a dark alley in Pittsburgh and we repaired the tire so I could ride another day.
Paul McIntyre – Not doing a bike repair in a back alley in Pittsburgh which was illegal according to the Pa. Governor.
It’s new bike day. To be honest, I wish it hadn’t come to this but Trek would warranty my 2014 Trek Domane due to bottom bracket issues.
So, let’s make the best of it. The new bike arrived. The setup is pretty much the same as the bike I gave up.
2020 Domane
New Bike
All my Bikes – for one day
Domane SL 7 is a high-performance endurance road bike with an electronic Ultegra Di2 drivetrain for precision shifting in any conditions. A lightweight OCLV Carbon frame with Front and Rear IsoSpeed, carbon wheels, and hydraulic disc brakes keep it smooth and fast on long rides. Plus, it has an easy-access storage compartment for stowing ride essentials.
All my bikes – but only for 30 minutes
500 Series OCLV Carbon, front & rear IsoSpeed, internal storage, tapered head tube, internal cable routing, 3S chain keeper, DuoTrap S compatible, fender mounts, flat mount disc, 142x12mm thru axle
I loved my bike. I thought my 2006 Trek Pilot was feeling its age back in 2013, although it was only seven years old. I would buy it again but Trek had retired the model and made the Domane its endurance bike.
At the Curve
I had crashed and broke my collarbone on July 3, 2013. I was on pain killers when just a few days later I was at The Bike Lane in Reston, Va., ordering a Trek Domane. Although they had paint samples at the front of the store, I never saw those. We sat in a dark office looking at a computer screen. I ordered a red and white bike to match my Pilot.
A bike with a view – Luxembourg City
When it arrived it looked nothing like I thought I ordered. I was sick. It was an expensive bike and I just felt like I could not accept it. I declined the purchase but promised to buy another when the time was right.
In the middle of the year, 2014, I sat down and we built a Project One Trek Domane 6. I wasn’t happy with the color schemes offered so I paid more for a custom paint job. It would be gloss/metallic black with gloss/metallic “tour yellow.” It may have been the only one they ever made.
The color scheme was me. Period. The Black and Tour Yellow represented three things in my life:
The Tour de France
The Steelers and Penguins
Santa Monica Mountains
Above all, this would be my cancer bike. Black and Yellow representing Livestrong. When I rode, my mind was never far away from someone battling. I put stickers on it to remember Alex Shepherd, 13, and Jacob Grecco, 8, both of whom lost their battles to brain cancer.
I love the Tour (de France). I’ve seen numerous stages and this bike could be a TdF bike. Or a Pittsburgh bike. But it was definitely me.
The bike rode well. It was very comfortable. But it had its problems.
Just one year old, on October 27, 2015, I shifted gears and the rear derailleur broke off. That wouldn’t be too bad but it got caught in the wheel. It went one revolution and then smashed into the frame. The frame was cracked and the repair would cost me $1800.
I was disappointed. Furious, actually. I was “JRA” (just riding along) when the derailleur came loose. Trek offered a new frame at 50% off, or about $2000.
After only three years the rear wheel began to fail. I had three spokes break (metal fatigue) in the rear wheel. The Bike Lane rebuilt the wheel and built me a new one that kept failing.
Train Station RVA
In 2016 we tried repeatedly to set the bike up with tubeless. But it would never set. At Ride the Rockies the air pressure would be as low as 20 psi n the morning. Basically I rode flat until getting to rest stop one where I could get a tire pump.
But in 2018, just four years’ of riding, the bike started to creak, especially when under duress. It was at The Bike Lane in Springfield four or five times before taking it to Reston. We got it to quiet down for a few weeks but it was back for all of 2019.
Virginia Capital Trail
In September 2019, it was sent back to the “Trek Hospital” in Wisconsin where they resurfaced the bottom bracket (BB90). I got the bike back in October and it ran quiet and smooth. I thought I was out of the woods. But a couple of months later, and maybe sooner, it was creaking again.
Michael (far), Robert (middle), Barry (close)
Earlier last month Tom asked me how the bike was running. I told him honestly and he said “I was afraid of that.”
Tom began the process of having the bike frame warrantied. Trek said they would replace the frame and paint it to match. But the problem with this bike lies in the bottom bracket – the BB90. And a new frame would still have the BB90.
Pier Titusville Fla.
The rim brakes on the two frames are different and I would have to purchase two new brakes at $275 ea. With a Trek discount of 25% for the brakes, it would cost me $413. The labor for the teardown and rebuild would be $400+. So for the same bike I currently own, but with a new frame, I would pay around $900.
Sam Legge, Bicycle Sport Shop, Austin, Texas
Trek also offered me a credit towards a new bike. After considering my options, I decided to get a new bike. It would be a Domane but not the top-of-the-line Domane Project One. That would mean a custom paint job would be off the table.
Ohio wasn’t good to me either
The black and yellow Domane was me. But it’s time for a new chapter. I want to say it was a good bike that lasted 5 1/2 years but actually, I had problems with it all along. I told Bill Hellwig at The Bike Lane in July that I was riding the Pilot because the Domane was the worst purchase I ever made. And I meant it. So it was time to retire it.
For a brief moment, I owned these three road bikes
I’ve done a number of cancer events with it including the Livestrong Challenges. I’ve ridden in eight countries. The bike popped (got your attention), especially with yellow bar tape. But it was time for retirement. And I’m looking forward to a new chapter.
Santa Barbara, California
We did a lot together. One might expect that riding more than 30,000 miles we would have plenty of memories. We traveled to Europe a couple of times including a solo trip across the Swiss Alps and with Rooster Racing in Luxembourg. In all the Domane had miles in Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, and Switzerland. And, of course, the U.S. where we had trips to California, Texas, Colorado, and Florida. And even to the top of the highest paved road in North America – Mount Evans, Colorado.
I rode on New Years Day because everyone rides on New Years Day, no matter what. But it was nice enough to ride on January 2 so I rode. And it was then I thought why not ride every day? Ten miles minimum. Outside.
The 10 miles would be in honor of my 10-year Cancerversary this year. It would give me a reason to ride – no matter what. And I would ride at least 100 miles per week as well. The final part of this was to ride 10,000 miles. That would be a big ask.
I twice reached 8,000 miles (but never 7,000). I reasoned there were some things I could do more than just riding 10 miles every day. In my big mileage years, I would often ride around 265 days. For those 100 days that I didn’t ride, I would be adding 1,000 miles just by riding 10 miles per day. Maybe I could do this. And on December 21, I went over 10,000 for the year, finishing with 10,150.
With 365 days of riding how does one narrow it down to 10 highlights? Let’s go by month.
JANUARY – I rode in Ligonier and Somerset, Pa. in cold and snow. And one crash. In Ligonier, it was cold and crusty. In Somerset, I ended up in a church parking lot during snow squalls, finishing after dark. Both those days were on a mountain bike. And during a snowstorm in Virginia, rather than stay in the safe, plowed, neighborhood, I went into Montclair. While the main streets were plowed, Holleydale Drive was not. Wanting to do a loop I decided to ride in some fresh tire tracks. Until they ended in a driveway. On a downhill. Crashes in the snow on asphalt hurts too. Even on a mountain bike.
W&OD Bridge, Reston, Va.
FEBRUARY – Just cold and more snow. Having ridden 480 miles in January my goal was to hit 1,000 miles by the end of February, I made it. But I couldn’t lose sight of the fact that 1,000 miles in two months put me on pace for just 6,000 for the year.
WMRR near Hancock, Md.
MARCH was better. My mileage was 723 miles. But even then, at 1700 miles in three months I was on pace for 6,800 miles. Doubt was beginning to creep in.
APRIL brought warmer weather and a trip to Florida. I drove and met the family at Club Med in Port St. Lucie. I got in 30-mile rides each day including one 50-mile ride.
Pier Titusville Fla.
With Spring fully in place, I rode 1000 miles in MAY, the first of five months in which I hit the 1000-mile mark. It was also the first test of riding every day even while traveling. I flew to Austin on May 31 then drove to Killeen. I built the bike and then went for a ride, finishing at dusk.
JUNE began with the Atlas Ride to support the Texas 4000. Then a trip to Europe. I returned sick and illness prevented a second straight 1,000-mile month (934) as I slogged through seven days doing just the minimum ten miles.
Texas 4000
JULY brought the MS-150 ride in State College, Pa. and an 1100-mile month.
Woodland Ave Punxsutawney
AUGUST included a trip to Ohio and Indiana and a 1200-mile month
In SEPTEMBER I found a new cancer ride in Richmond and went back to the Alpine Loop Gran Fondo
OCTOBER was a California trip and more challenges to ride every day. After riding on Monday morning, I took the redeye home, and as soon as I landed and there was daylight, I took my second bike out and rode since the Domane was still in the travel case.
NOVEMBER included a disappointing trip to Florida (weather). I had hoped to have 9,000 miles by the end of October leaving 1,000 miles for November and December. I was just short of 9,000 but knew I could finish strong.
DECEMBER was my lowest month but I was positioned where it didn’t have to be a big mileage month. Bad weather and illness slowed me but on December 21 I crossed the 10,000-mile threshold.
I had a few, but too few to whine about.
In Virginia, the rear derailleur popped off the Domane on the W&OD. I walked a mile and Tom, from The Bike Lane, came and got me.
In Texas, the rear derailleur on my Domane quit working while I was on the 50-mile Atlas Ride. A wire had been pinched and shorted out (my fault on rebuild) but I was stuck in one gear for the ride.
In Pennsylvania, the rear derailleur cable broke on my Pilot while on the MS-150 ride. I was stuck in the hardest gear but only walked up two mountains.
In California, the front derailleur (Di2) of the Domane sheared off a piece and I had to ride both days of the Cookie Gran Fondo without shifting the front derailleur.
I had seven flats in 10,000 miles. My road kit includes a CO2 cartridge and I managed to use just one of those repairing seven flats
In January, in a very cold DC (and I didn’t want to mess with changing a flat), Alan Ruof gave me a ride to my car and I was able to repair the flat in my house.
In March in a cold rain, I flatted one mile from my house. I walked home and repaired the flat in my house.
Flat – March 21
In September I suffered two flats on the Abandoned Turnpike in Pa. I was eight miles from nowhere. I repaired one with the one CO2 I had. I rode the other flat back to the car.
In October, on the Pacific Coast Highway, I flatted. A woman had pulled over to wait for her family and I borrowed a floor pump from her to fix my flat.
In December, on the W&OD, I had completed a ride but noticed a flat when I got to my daughter’s house. I repaired it there. The next day on the W&OD I flatted one-mile from my car. I walked back to the car then changed the flat at home.
With seven flats I only had to change two on the road. The one on Pacific Coast Highway and the one on the Abandonded Turnpike. That’s not a bad track record. No whining.
I had chances to ride with current and retired pro cyclists. In Europe, I rode with Andy and Frank Schleck and Jens Voigt. Back in the States, I rode with Jeremiah Bishop, Ben King (almost), and Phil Gaimon.
In Finland, I hooked up with a very young Astrid Snall, a track and triathlon champion.
On August 14, riding near Ligonier, Pa., I went 52 mph (83 kph) down Darlington Road towards Rector.
Top Speed 2019
Phil Gaimon’s Cookie Gran Fondo had a cookie mussette
Ben King’s Home Roads RVA had a neck gaiter. Got an insulated water bottle from the Horrible Hundred.
But the one thing I use almost daily – a reusable shopping back from the Climb to Conquer Cancer.
Having woken up in Ohio on May 16, 2018 with no memory of being there, I went back to Ohio and rode with Paul Sullenberger, the retired police officer who found me unconscious on the Great Miami River Trail. This time I remembered the ride.
Paul and Barry
I met Andrew and Stacey near the end of the Sea Gull Century. They were doing their first ever Metric Century
Every day in Luxembourg with the Roosters. We rode in twos, close to the rider in front of us. No one was sketchy (ok, maybe one but not calling that person out here) and we felt safe at 15, 20, 30 mph.
On July 9 I met up with a group from Bull Run Cycles in Manassas. There were about 60 cyclists of varying abilities. My three attempts to have a conversation with anyone went nowhere. Having just returned from Europe and riding with Jens Voigt and the Brothers Schleck, I saw a rider with a Team CSC jersey. I tried to drop their names but he had never heard of them – even though that was the team they raced with before Leopard. There were riders crossing wheels, stopping without warning, and just riding erratically. I bailed before it was over and won’t jump in with that group again.
Cookie Gran Fondo. At Phil Gaimon’s Cookie Gran Fondo, some of the best chefs in L.A. brought in their creations. In addition to the chocolate chip cookies, you won’t find better food on a ride than this.
Honorable Mention: The Alpine Loop Gran Fondo (Jeremiah Bishop)., Harrisonburg, Va. Ride Director, Erin Bishop does an outstanding job with a post-ride catered meal.
While eating at an outdoor restaurant in Luxembourg City, Frank Schleck found a spider in his salad.
Shortly after this photo was taken, Frank was given a salad with a spider in it
Riding in France four times previously, it existed for me as the perfect place to ride. No road rage and even the dogs don’t bark at you. While on our Luxembourg-France ride in June, a car went by horn blazing. And a dog barked at us. France, I hardly knew ye. Now France is just a place (actually it’s not, it’s just not perfect anymore).
Arriving at the Hilton Airport in Frankfort, and needing a place to ride to “ride every day,” I asked three people at the front desk where to ride. I was told we were at an airport and one couldn’t ride. Yet I could see a bike path 10 floors below my room. I found the bike path.
Zurich. On Mon. June 24, I would leave at 10:00 a.m., scheduled to arrive in Philadelphia at 2:30, depart at 6:00, arrive DCA at 7:30, then be home by 9:00 p.m. (dark), if lucky. But the Zurich Airport Hotel had some “rental” bikes which were free to guests. I departed the hotel at 6:05 a.m. with no clue where I was going but rode 10.4 miles. Philadelphia had bad weather, my flight was delayed three times and my bike stayed on the place in DC after they unloaded all the luggage. They had to get a special crew out to the plane to get my bike. But at least I got my ride done in Switzerland.
On June 6 I rode in the morning before my 4:30 flight to Iceland connecting to Helsinki. I arrived in Helsinki on June 7, rented a car and drove to Forssa. I was building the bike when LauraVainio came home around 4:00 p.m. and we visited and went to dinner. It was almost 9:00 p.m. before I started on a 13-mile exploration of Forssa.
Returning from California, I rode the morning of Monday, October 28, along the beaches of Manhattan Beach and Redondo Beach. I took the redeye (departing at 10:00 p.m. PST). The flight was only four hours and it arrived IAD before 6:00 a.m. I waited at baggage for my Domane but had brought my Trek Pilot in the car. Once I got my bike from luggage, I grabbed a quick breakfast then jumped on my Pilot rode 20 miles on the W&OD. And I almost fell asleep on the drive home.
There was one, on snow. I was on treated streets until I came to Holleyside Dr. in Montclair. Wanting to do a loop instead of an out and back. I thought I would follow some fresh tire tracks in the snow. Downhill. They ended in a driveway. I went straight. I went down. Ouch.
Holleyside Drive yuck
At Phil Gaimon’s Cookie Gran Fondo I head a voice then recognized the actress as Susan Walters. She has many acting credits but I only know her a the girl Jerry Seinfeld is dating but he doesn’t remember her name and is too embarrassed to ask her.
Barry and Susan Walter
I went to Luxembourg expecting to ride with Frank Schleck. But on the last night we were there who would show up but Jens Voigt. I got to ride with the Jensie!
In Finland, 12-year-old, Olivia, and I went for a ride to downtown Forssa for ice cream.
We asked if they took credit cards (they said yes), we ordered, we ate, we went to pay and none of my credit cards would work. But we went to an ATM, got cash, went back and settled up. And the ice cream was delish!
In May, I was on my normal go-to route through Montclair which means going through the school parking lot at Henderson Elementary, dismounting and walking up 10 stairs to the upper drop-off area. This is to avoid the upper section and uphill portion of Waterway Drive which gets busy. It was about 8:45 a.m. and the drive up to the school was crowded with parents illegally parked in the fire lane, all on their cell phones. I went past them to the sidewalk and dismounted. The principal of the school, Suzanne Bevins, came over and confronted me. She asked me not to ride there “for your own safety.” I thought her concern was 500 elementary students and not one cyclist. It seemed clear that she was worried about an older male wearing Lycra being near the kids. I asked her if it was illegal for me to walk up those stairs and she conceded it was not. I thanked her for her concern for my safety, maybe a bit sarcastically, but assured her that avoiding those caffeinated drivers using Waterway Drive was much more dangerous than me walking through the school grounds.
For what it’s worth, I don’t believe for one second she was concerned about my safety. I do believe I believe I was targeted because I am an older man on the grounds with elementary students. A man in Lycra.
When my rear derailleur quit working on the Atlas Ride near Austin, I scrambled late on Saturday to find an open bike shop for repair so I could ride on Sunday. I found Bicycle Shop on N. Palmer Ave. Sam Jaffe worked on the bike to diagnose it, find a part (didn’t have it but improvised), and stayed overtime to get the bike running again.
Sam Jaffe at Bicycle Shop in Austin
I did not find my hand pump for my treat to Europe so through when I hit the ground in Finland my plan was to find a bike shop and buy a CO2 cartridge. Forssa had a bike shop that was closed weekends and was mostly a hardware store. I visited friends twice to use their floor pumps. I rode through Finland, Germany, Luxembourg, Holland, Franc,e Belgium, and Switzerland without an air source for my tires in case of emergency. I made it but do not recommend it.
In California, I visited a bike shop to top off my tires. I then bought a CO2 cartridge from them. Although I had a flat while on the Cookie Gran Fondo, where I pulled over I found a woman with a floor pump in her car. I did not need to go to my C02. And when I tore down the bike at Enterprise Rent A Car in El Segundo, I gave my cartridge to the manager who was a cyclist.
On my way to Florida, I stopped at an REI in Jacksonville. I had a 25% off one item coupon and found the Wahoo Bike Computer I had been looking at. She read the fine print (I couldn’t read it) and said it was not good on items with GPS. Then she smiled and rang it up anyway.
My local cycling club, Potomac Pedalers Touring Club, has an award, which may be tongue in cheek, but it is called the Iron Crotch Award. This recognition goes to anyone who rides 5,000 miles in a year. And I qualified. Twice.
To qualify, I had to submit a simple questionnaire.
LONGEST RIDE – Sea Gull Century — 104
Date on which 5,000 was achieved (1) – July 11 – Just a loop around home.
Date on which 5,000 was achieved (2) – July 15 – I thought I went over 5,000 on July 11 but there were a couple of rides that were counted twice. I had to recalibrate and actually went over 5,000 on a 34-mile ride I call the “Manassas Loop.”
Most miles in a Month — 1211 (August)
Most miles in a week — 334 – July 15- 21, included the MS-150 in Pennsylvania
Number of Zero mile weeks – None
Number of 100 mile days – One
Most interesting story – That’s sort of what this blog post is about