Overcast and gray, I headed down near Williamsburg to ride on the Virginia Capital Trail. As an added bonus, the French family I met last week had told me they would be riding from Richmond to Toano. I figured they would be on this trail.
Two years ago I rode basically rode this route with the Cap to Cap Century ride from Richmond to Williamsburg (almost). So today I parked where our rest stop was – the Chickahominy River park. I checked the weather apps and radar and rolled out without a rain jacket.
On the Cap to Cap ride we were on the road, not the trail. I remember portions of the trail next to the road but I don’t think a lot of today’s section had opened. I really don’t remember much of the trail.
I climbed the bridge over the Chickahominy River then rode the trail. It is super sweet! Beautiful vistas in the forest with many newly built wooden bridges. Not sure where those bridges will be in 10 years but they sure are sweet now.
I rode. I caught a guy named “Wilson” who told me he rides around the country delivering letters. I had gone 15 miles and decided I would ride 20 then turn around.
Wilson and I were riding and chatting when we came upon my French friends, Thomas Houdy and his family. At Mile 19. After a few minutes of introductions I turned around and we all rode back towards Jamestown.
Oh oh. Rain started falling. They stopped to put on the rain gear, especially for the kids. The rain fell harder and we all stopped in Charles City – the only place one could find a restaurant.
They looked for a place to get dry. I saw a couple inside and recognized his Mount Washington T-shirt. I knocked on the window and gestured for him to come outside and take out picture. He did.
Then we said goodbye. They went in where it was dry and warm. I rode ahead in the rain.
Since its inception, the Jeremiah Bishop Alpine Gran Fondo has been a staple of my cycling season. The reason is because it supports fighting prostate cancer. Since being introduced by my late friend, Scott Scudamore, I have also become friends with Jeremiah and Erin Bishop, plus Robert Hess of the Prostate Cancer Awareness Project.
There was one problem this year. The world championships of professional cycling were being held in Richmond. This was the first time in 30 years the “Worlds” were here. Today was the only day to see the “trade” teams, Garmin, BMC, etc., in the team time trial. I wanted to do both.
I knew I could not do 100 miles and get to Richmond so I signed up for the “Valley View Challenge.” I know Erin was surprised when she saw my application but I explained that I was going to Richmond and wanted to support their ride. She understood.
We rolled out of town and I was at the front. As the peleton rolled on I was comfortably in the pack but new there was a turn coming up eventually. I pulled over, took some photos, then jumped back in the group and rode up to the turn.
I was on the road by myself then sat up and saw a rider from UVA coming. He joined me and we rolled to the first, and only rest stop. After a while we rolled out with a third. We were clearly in front when we came upon a young Amish couple on their bikes going to church. While Matthew and Luca* rode ahead, I slowed down to talk to the couple.
They were very personable. I introduced myself and they told me they were Keith and Julie Zimmerman and their young son. Somehow I happen to mention the Wenger name and Julie looked at me and said “that’s my maiden name.”
We came to a turn. The Fondo route was to the left. Keith and Julie turned right. I turned right with them. Matthew and Luca were up ahead and looked back and saw me going the other way. They turned around to follow me. One mile later we were at the church and I bid Keith and Julie a good day.
Matt and Luca weren’t sure where they were going and I laughed. “Well, you were going right until you decided to follow me.” I told them we would go exploring.
We went into Dayton and then did some trailblazing, getting back to Harrisonburg. We were first on the day.
It wasn’t the classic Grand Fondo right but it was just right. I spent a little time with Robert and Julie before heading on to Richmond for Worlds. And I thought how lucky I was to choose the short route on this day or I wouldn’t have been able to meet, and well, scare, the Amish.
When I got home, I contacted my 5th cousin, Daniel Wenger, who is the preeminent Wenger historian. I pieced together my information with what he knew and quickly proved she was a descendant of Christian Wenger (b. 1698). In Lancaster Co., Pa., we have two known Wenger lines. The other is Hans Wenger (1705), which is my line. It is presumed they are related, perhaps as close as first cousins, but no historian has been able to document that. DNA shows the lines are connected but we can’t yet say that we’re 5th cousins. Definitely my Amish cousins in name. I’m claiming them!
Having celebrated beating cancer with some kids last night at the Velodrome, this day was reserved for a fellowship ride. Mileage goals aren’t usually that important to me but they do provide an incentive at times. A few days ago I wasn’t sure I would ride 1,000 miles in August then, all of a sudden, realized I could do it today. I had a goal.
I left the Homewood Suites hotel and biked the two miles to Trexlertown. First, I made my way over to the track at Rodale Park and rode laps. By the time my Spokes of Hope friends showed up I already had 10 miles in the book.
And so eight of us pushed off from the Velodrome for the back country roads in Lehigh and Berks counties. We started with Ken and Cindi Hart, Jay Bodkin, Kathy Robinson, Branan Cooper, Andy Werner, myself and some guy named Mike (my apologies).
Surprisingly, I have ridden these roads before. I must say they are enjoyable.
We headed out into Mertztown to Bowers then doubled back to Topton. Mike peeled off in Mertztown and we were down to seven. In Topton we stopped at a cafe by the tracks which appears to be overrun with cyclists (in a good way – lots more bikes than cars and it was busy inside).
When we were ready to roll out we picked up an eighth rider to make up for Mike. Although we didn’t go back to Bowers, we basically just followed the route that we had just come out on.
Back at the cycling park, we huddle up for a group photo and, for most of us, said goodbye for another year. As they packed up, I rode back to the hotel and went over 1,000 miles for the month. A nice way to finish the ride.
For the third straight year I joined Spokes of Hope (their sixth straight year) in Trexlertown. The core of the group traveled to T-Town from Indianapolis. The rest of us just sort of filtered in from elsewhere.
Cindi Hart said there would be a clinic at 5:00 p.m. for the kids. I arrived at 4:30 p.m., and upon not finding anyone inside the gate, just went across the street to the Rodale Park and rode for a bit. When I returned I went to the track and everyone was already riding so I joined in. It wasn’t a clinic, at least for me, but some fun riding on the velodrome.
We cleared the track as the event riders started to filter in. Monica Johnson-Null and her boys went across the street to the park and I joined them.
Monica Johnson-Null
As the event neared I was surprised to see many organizations were set up inside, including many cancer groups. The Lehigh Valley Pediatric Cancer group was there as was St. Baldricks.
I didn’t get to watch any of the races and was preparing to line up to ride on the track when I heard my name called. My cousins, Stacey and Gary Gravina had come over from Phillipsburg, New Jersey so we talked briefly before they got to go to the stands and see the elimination race (one of my favorites).
We were announced at taking a victory lap over cancer although we took two. We made our way to the infield where our featured survivor was a 16 year old boy with brain cancer. He had lost speech and his ability to walk but now can was riding a trike.
Josh Grecco and Stacey Gravina
He took the podium as his triumph over cancer and the crowd cheered. It is a great night to celebrate.
And a final note. The final race was the 100-lap pro-men’s Madison, always a fun event. And the finale was an awesome fireworks (“pyromusical”) display – I think the best I have ever seen.
This is about the shortest ride I will write about – the only one shorter would be the Mount Washington Auto Road Bicycle Hill Climb. Why this? Because it was fun.
In shorter order I drove to Ohio and rode on Friday. I went on to Indianapolis the rode with the Spokes of Hope ride on yesterday. After the 100 miles I drove back to Somerset last night.
My parents were having a small party at noon to celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary. I wanted to do a ride from Somerset but decided I didn’t have time for the 50 mile ride I was hoping for. And I thought about Johnstown.
Floor of one of the cars
I would not count miles riding up a mountain on an inclined plane but decided that I could go down it that way. I parked in Ferndale, just outside of Johnstown and navigated by feel to get me to the top of the mountain. Or hill.
It was basically a two mile climb with another mile of “slight” uphill. Once in Westmont I found my way down their beautiful streets to the Inclined Plane. The Inclined Plane takes people and vehicles from Johnstown below to Westmont above. If it were a road it would be a 70.9% grade.
I found out that bicycles are free. Yeah! Oh, but a passenger fare was $2.25. Well worth it. Once on board, I was the only one. Halfway down I passed the other car going up. Empty.
At the bottom I disembarked and rode across the bridge the cross the Stony Creek River. At the end I could have taken the ramp to the street but the sidewalk with its switchbacks were much more inviting.
I really didn’t have much more time to go exploring in Johnstown. It was a matter of hurry back to the car and go celebrate with my parents. A fun, but very short, day on the bike.
It was the annual Spokes of Hope ride. Without a word or hint to the organizer and with a very late registration, I caught the organizer, Cindi Hart, off guard when I walked up to registration. Hugs ensued.
Finish, not Start, Line Hug
I was given a special placard as “Cancer Veteran” and we veterans lined up 50 yards back from the other riders. When it was time for the opening ceremonies we rolled past the other riders as they cheered us to the start line.
Cancer Veteran
A bagpiper played and we rolled out with a great police escort. Cindi was at the front and, in one mile, when she peeled off, I pulled off with her, not knowing if I would see her at all during the day and I had to leave immediately after it ended. Cindi urged me to go and catch up with the other riders, and eventually, I did.
Been There Done That
Or at least I started to. I had to work my way through some slower riders (probably riding shorter distances) and then could finally see the lead group or some riders dropped by them. This was a very small ride and I didn’t realize it but if I didn’t catch on somewhere I would be riding 100 miles solo.
I could see the group and timed them at 2:00 up the road. It took about five miles but I got it down to 1:00. I really wasn’t closing the gap. A couple of riders dropped off the back and I caught and passed them but did not catch on before the first rest stop.
Rest Stop
The ride was well-supported if 50 pounds of bacon is support. (It is.) We were at a Love’s Travel Plaza and I walked inside to use the rest room. There was bacon. There were smoothies which were still frozen. Cookies. I grabbed a smoothie and a spoon and was digging at it when most of the riders pulled out. I hated to throw away a smoothie and Ken and Cindi Hart were at this stop so we chatted briefly.
Spokes of Hope Van
Again, Cindi urged me to go “ride with someone” and when I saw two cyclists pull out I went with them. I met Nathan and Julie from Fishers, Indiana. They were first year cyclists, both triathletes, attempting to complete their first century ride. I’m not sure they wanted me or welcomed me to ride with them but they were stuck with me. We were going to do this.
Nathan and Julie
We rolled into Stop 2 together and I waited for them to roll out. We were now a team. A Century-completing team.
Not long after we left I saw another couple farther back. I thought I would slow the pace, let them integrate with us and give us five. That would give us a physiological and psychological advantage. Todd and his wife rolled by and I jumped on their wheel. Nathan and Julie did not follow. I let Todd go and dropped back with my friends.
Rest Stop
At Rest Stop 3 we were told we were last on the road except for a tandem. This is when I realized this was a very small ride. And then Todd and his wife (I don’t know her name) pulled in. They had made a wrong turn.
A volunteer told me to try to keep us together (which I was trying to do) but Todd pulled out and ahead. But we eventually pulled them back and integrated once we all started talking. We had 40 miles to go.
Barry trailed by Julie
I tried to go to the front and set the pace. The wind was often in our faces and I thought it would help my friends if I rode in it. After Rest #4 I rode at the front almost all the way back. At one point I thought Nathan and Julie were dropping back so I let Todd’s wife ride up front. It worked.
Todd and Wife
We rolled into Zionsville and, as we came to the finish, I let the four of them finish first. This was also Todd’s first century. Well done, my friends!
Nathan and Julie
Overall I averaged 16.4 mph for the 100 miles. Not bad but it wasn’t the 19 mph I averaged, solo, in the first 18 miles. I had an offer at Rest #1 to ride with a group at 19-20 mph which would have been cool but they took off while I was in the rest room. And if it was speed I was after, I could have taken off at any time but this was much more rewarding. I was very happy to shepherd new riders completing their first century. And they must have averaged at or near 16 mph for their first long ride.
Lions Park
At the finish I was greeted by Cindi. We posed for a few photos then I had to leave. The 7.5 hours on the bike (six of them moving) would be easy compared to the 7.5 hour drive ahead of me.
EPILOGUE: One rider, a cancer veteran, posted that he rode most of the miles solo. Although he seemed upset at first, he used the time to reflect on his cancer journey. At first many people are by your side but eventually one finds oneself facing the journey alone.
I experienced sort of the opposite. I had a journey and could have ridden it alone. But I chose to ride with others instead to encourage and support them. And that was the best thing for me too.
Traveling from Somerset to Indianapolis, I looked for a location where I could stop and ride. But this was more than a place to ride. Fifty years ago I lived out here and I thought it would be fun to go back and see where I used to live.
I looked for trails in the area and found the Great Miami River Trail. This is one worth exploring later. It is a paved trail more than 85 miles in length. I didn’t have time to ride far so planned my trip starting in Troy.
I planned to start at Treasure Island Park. I arrived and found it was close for construction. I parked on the street instead.
I started by riding north on the road. When I came to where the trail crossed I jumped on the trail. It is in great shape. Paved. Wooded. With the exception of crossing the river, I was surprised the trail was set back far enough that I wasn’t riding next to the river, in fact, wasn’t aware there was a river nearby.
Foot/bike bridge in Piqua
At Piqua there is a bridge crossing. The approach going north is by 8-10 stairs with a rail in the middle that serves as a tire trough if you want to push your bike. Once I crossed the river I then followed the river through and past Piqua. The trail is next to the river which has a very high embankment so I could never tell I was actually in the city.
The trail disappears alongside the old Miami-Erie canal, a good portion which is still full of water. At the end of town the trail was under construction and I rode through about 100 yards of grass (to avoid 100 yards of the gravel trail).
I jumped on the road and took Rte 66 (not THAT Route 66) to Houston. The road was fine (meaning it had a shoulder) in Miami County. But once entering Shelby County there was no shoulder. Traffic was extremely light but when it passed me it often was extremely close. I did not like riding this road.
Although it was almost 50 years since I attended the Hardin-Houston school, I had no problem finding my way to it. On the road out of there I passed kids running and figured (correctly) that they were cross country runners. I turned around and road about 200 yards with two girls. I told them I went to the school 50 years ago and this was my first time back. They were not impressed.
I rode down to Lockington, unsure if I could take my bike across the Lockington Dam. Although I hadn’t returned to Houston in (almost) 50 years, I refereed a tournament in Sidney, Ohio in 2007 and visited Lockington then.
Lockington Dam Closed
The road across the dam was no longer open, and my memory escapes that there was still a road across the top. There was an entrance and a parking lot in 2007 but as I rolled up I saw that the park was closed. Disappointing. I was hoping to ride across the dam.
Lockington Dam
I rode up through Lockington, with most of the houses unchanged since we moved in 1967. The parsonage where we lived was now connected to the church my dad served although it closed.
The former parsonage of the Lockington E.U.B. church
I visited the locks we used to play in, many looked to be in danger of collapse in the 1960s but are still standing. I was surprised to see someone has been rebuilding the first lock.
I rode back into Piqua really enjoying the quaint downtown of this city of 20,000. Although I thought I would roll right through town and back to Troy I did a U-turn when I saw the railroad bridge.
Bridge over Miami River in Piqua
The east-west bridge was the old Pennsylvania Rail Road bridge which was abandoned in 1985. It is now a bike trail named Linear Park. A number of steps with a concrete trough for walking bikes leads up to the bridge. I pushed my bike up then rode across the bridge and followed the trail.
The best I can tell, I had biked here before – 50 years ago. The B&O tracks run north-south and the PRR ran east-west. I remember being with a couple of other kids (don’t know who) and this was a grade crossing of railroad lines. You don’t see those much and I didn’t see it here since it no longer exists. But I am 100% convinced it did in the 60s. In fact, I found a couple of references to it including this one:
“This station was hastily built in October 1913 when the PRR told the CH&D they would not be using their new downtown Piqua passenger station when the elevation opened. So the CH&D rapidly built a box station north of the crossing at Garbry Road.” – http://www.west2k.com/ohstations/miami.shtml
I’m not crazy. There was an at grade crossing of tracks in Piqua although there is no evidence of that now. But it was great to ride over to it.
My ride back to Troy was uneventful. Although I planned to take the road back, I enjoyed the trail so much I followed it again. I even opted to follow it when I was just a couple miles from the car and just a straight shot away.
The Great Miami River Trail is really cool. Add to that a 50-mile reminiscing of my childhood and it couldn’t get much better. And 75 degrees, no clouds, and no humidity didn’t hurt.
Rather than one ride, this does not lend itself so well to one post. Instead, we get one post for a week of rides.
We arrived at South Bethany, Delaware, to stay in the home of Pete and Lisa Schmidt. They had donated a week of their beautiful home to CureFest and I had been high bidder last year.
It was a beautiful home on a canal. Still, I worried if I would find good riding here. Flat. Windy. And those are the two words that describe the riding here. And it was good.
Atlantic Ocean
Arriving on Saturday I went for an early evening ride up the coastal highway, across the bridge at Indian River inlet, then turned and rode out to Ocean View. In the 1960s, 70s, and as late as the early 80s, we had camped at Sandy Cove and Bayshore campgrounds. I rode back there from memory.
Indian River Inlet Bridge
It was a nice ride. It was flat, except for the bridge. After I got back and uploaded my data I was distressed to see there was a timed segment on RideWithGPS for the bridge portion. I went slowly up the bridge. I stopped for some pictures, and was timed at 3:21 – only 18 seconds off the worst speed ever. I was 87th out of 90. Ouch.
It really wasn’t a bad ride, save for that segment. But I wasn’t going to let that rest.
On Sunday I had a little time to plan and put together a nice Bethany – Fenwick Island loop ride.
Canal – South Bethany
I was wheels down at 6:38 a.m. It was a 32 mile loop mostly on country roads until it came back to Fenwick Island at which time I rode on the Coastal Highway.
Fenwick Lighthouse
The Coastal Highway has a wide shoulder marked for both bike and running/walking lanes. Despite some moderate traffic, it is a safe route and I have no hesitation suggesting it to anyone.
Monday was to be my shot at redemption with that awful segment on the Indian River Inlet bridge. Wheels down at 6:52 a.m., I rode north, paying close attention to keep my speed up over the bridge.
Indian River Inlet Bridge
I rode through Dewey Beach and into Rehoboth Beach, which surely scrubbed some speed off a good ride. Up and back it was just short of a 30 mile ride.
As for the segment, I did better. I went from 87th to 67th which is still in the bottom third. Maybe I need to come back and ride with a massive tailwind.
Rehoboth Boardwalk
Then I also learned there was a Bethany to Dewey segment. I will go faster if I know I am being timed. Darn. On this one I was 29th out of 64 leaving me wonder if people come just to ride the bridge and not to Dewey Beach? I did check the top speed for that segment and that guy, Brad Rittase, definitely had a tailwind when he set the top speed, although his bridge climb speed was butt slow. He was hitting speeds in the highs 20s going to Dewey and 12-13 mph coming back. It happens.
But I was happy with my ride. I don’t know if I will do it again. Just flat and always windy and you never know where the winds will be coming from.
My Tuesday ride was my go-to ride — the Bethany-Fenwick loop with an addition to Bishopville, Maryland. Once on Lighthouse Road, two cyclists pulled out about 1/4 mile ahead. I thought at speed I would catch them. I didn’t “chase,” per se, but I was marking myself each time I could see a landmark. I was pulling them back very slowly. When I finally caught them I was glad to see they had shaved legs.
I would have worked with them to have a group of three but the one guy sat on the front rider’s wheel and they never changed positions so I thought it wasn’t up to me to upset their balance. I let them go on Coastal Highway but eventually pulled them back. I passed them for good getting back to South Bethany.
Wednesday would be my longest ride. I was wheels down at 6:24 a.m. I headed out to my Fenwick Loop but headed south instead of due east to Fenwick Island. I missed a planned turn but knew the boundaries of the roads and knew the sun so I headed south. I had to ride on U.S. 113 (that part was planned) which is busy (wide shoulders), but it was only for two miles. Most of the rest of the roads were country or had wide shoulders.
I got on U.S. 50 just before riding into Ocean City. I’m not sure if the narrow sidewalk on the bridge was the bike lane or if we were welcomed in a travel lane. I took the lane. Since there was no shoulder I took the middle of the lane since it was unsafe to encourage anyone to pass me (think sharrows). Besides, I was doing 20 mph in a 30 mph zone. It was all good.
In Ocean City, I hopped on the Boardwalk, thinking I might ride it for a while. I did, about three blocks worth. Too crowded, even at 9:00 a.m. Then it was back to the streets. Ocean City has a bike/bus lane so traveling north-south really is a breeze except for all the stoplights.
Fenwick Floaters
In all I rode 219 miles in seven days (and slightly more if I count running around Saturday morning with the girls in the Burley Trailer before we left). I averaged 16.6 mph which is probably one mph faster than I ride at home, all things being equal. That includes fighting the wind. Yes, it sometimes benefits you but during a loop it’s one part headwind, two parts crosswind, and one part tailwind. I’d rather have no wind.
Bethany Beach
But it was great and I would love to come back here to ride some more.
Exploring. I enjoy riding new roads and sometimes just will map out a new ride and go exploring.
Starting in Sproul, Pa., which I guess is a suburb of Claysburg (this is humor, folks), I mapped out a route over Blue Knob, down to Newry, then over Locke Mountain, through Martinsburg, then back over Sproul Mountain. I knew the course over Blue Knob then down through the valley. In all, I was familiar with 24 of the 57 miles so 33 of the miles would be exploring.
I started at Sheetz. (Where else?) I requested and received permission to park my car to go for a bike ride. I was hoping for four and a half hours.
I left Sproul, went through Queen and into Blue Knob State Park. This route was new to me. There was a nifty little 1/2 mile climb at 15-17% at Mile 5. Unexpected.
This was followed by a one mile climb into the forest and Blue Knob State Park. Then there was a one mile descent to Pavia at which time I realized my brakes need changed. Oops.
In Pavia I turned right and was back in familiar territory – the climb to Blue Knob. There were long sections of 12% grade and it was buggy. In the shade, which was plentiful, there were flies and gnats around my eyes. Damn insects.
I had mapped my ride to continue to Knob Run Road but at the last moment, turned right to climb all the way to the ski area. It was very windy at the summit, in fact, even at 70 degrees, I was starting to get cold since I was in a soaking wet kit (with sweat).
Back on course I saw the sign – “Fresh Oil.” Oh boy. A fresh tar and chip road. It wasn’t bad and ended when I crossed Johnstown Road (164).
I descended Knob Run Road, the same road that Chelsea Johnson, Chey Hillsgrove, and I climbed last week, being chased by a storm. I had better weather today and I was going down – not up.
I turned on Tel-Power Road and was surprised when I passed Winsome – a gated house, which is really, a gated horse farm. Sorry, no pictures.
I came to Locke Mountain Road and looked at the ridge which I knew I would cross. I could see a tower at the top and a cut in the mountain which I knew was the road. OK.
Once the climb began in earnest, my GPS was sort of stuck on 12% for two miles. And using numbers from the road itself I calculate the climb was 10.2%.
Over the top it was a nice descent, although with squishy brakes. I turned on Pa. 866 which was a signed Pa. Bike Route. No shoulders but light traffic. It was a seven mile run-in to Martinsburg, sort of lumpy, passing corn fields most of the way.
In Martinsburg, I stopped at Subway, mainly to refill my water bottles but I also bought a Coke and a cookie and sat down to eat it. The “water” lever on the soft drink machine is shared with Lemonade. I think the line had Lemonade in it because one bottle tasted more like Lemonade than water. And I didn’t want Lemonade, but I’m not mad.
I watched my Garmin as I navigated to Sproul Mountain, swearing every time I saw a rise ahead. Sproul Mountain wasn’t long but it was steep, especially the lower slopes. I passed the KOM-9 start, assume it was there from the Central Pa. Century Challenge, run by my friend, Richard Fiore.
The climb is one mile in length. I calculate it to be 7.6% with the lower section steeper than the upper portion. Over the top I got in a tuck and hit 48 mph (47.95). I probably could have pushed it to 50 but remember the advice of Wayne Stetina who told me two years ago he never bombs a descent he doesn’t know. Speed was not an issue today.
I finished at Sheetz and my legs felt like they have been through the wringer. Either 5800 or 5900′ of gain over 57 miles. Only Grand Mesa, in Colorado, was harder this year. This ride, simply, was a good challenge.
Andrew’s car was in the shop and wanted to borrow mine to go to Purcellville. I told him I’d drive him there with a bike and he could choose to bike or drive home. He chose poorly.
What a beautiful summer day. I took the W&OD, a route I am well familiar with. Peaceful. And mostly downhill in this section.
I stopped at Carolina Brother BBQ in Ashburn which is my go-to pit stop when I’m on the W&OD. I never paid attention to their actual food menu but today I did. And someday I will try it.
My route on the W&OD took me 25 miles to Reston at which point I picked up the bike trail next to the Fairfax County Parkway. I followed that until I completely lost any scent of the trail. I was meandering near Fair Oaks Mall.
Eventually I ended up on Clifton Road and rode down to Clifton. I took Chapel Road back up to Rte 123. Once, trying to meet a Potomac Pedalers ride, the ride leader told us to meet him on “Chopper” Road. We searched and search that day, never finding them, only realizing later he was saying Chapel.
At Rte 123 I followed that to Occoquan. It’s always nice crossing the pedestrian bridge at the far end of town.
I took Occoquan Road over to Hylton Ave. and snaked my way through old Woodbridge. I had to ride on the Prince William Parkway but only long enough to cross I-95.
Heating up I stopped at Chick-fil-A for a brief refreshment, mainly filling my water bottles. I then followed the Prince William Parkway bike trail to Hillendale Road which was three miles out of the way but worth it to avoid Minnieville Road. I took back streets the rest of the way home.
It was a fun route. I hope Andrew asks me to take him to Purcellcille more often. And doesn’t want the bike.