I wasn’t sure that I would get back here. I was here to attend a fundraiser last night for Jake Grecco, a 7-year old battling brain cancer — he’s also the son of my 4th cousin, Stacey Lowmaster. After the fundraiser when Stacey asked if we would like to meet Jake. All cycling was off. Jake trumps cycling every time.

After a wonderful morning visiting Jake and his family, then saying goodbye to my sister, Betsy, I realized I still had just enough time to return and finish yesterday’s ride. It was windy but not with the unsafe gusts of yesterday. The route, downloaded to my Garmin, proved to be one with lots of turns. I had no idea where I was going – In Garmin We Trust.

I retraced yesterday’s attempted route for six miles and then went down some new roads. I had hoped to ride 26 miles without putting a foot down but when I came to a beautiful barn I knew I had to stop to take some pictures.

I found a unique shed with implements attached to the outside. I stopped at the foot of the driveway then asked permission “to come aboard.” The owner was very pleased that I asked permission to photograph his shed and glad that I found it interesting.

Near Kutztown I realized I was in Amish Country. I passed an Amish wood working shop then met a group of cyclists coming in the opposite direction. They had good form but wore no helmets. They were on road bikes but wore no “fancy” cycling clothes. Then I realized they were young Amish men returning from church. I wanted a photo but respected their beliefs and simply waved. And they waved back.

I turned down a country road and spotted two women with three large dogs. And I had to go past them. I love dogs but still remember my encounter in 2010 in which two Rottweillers tried to get to know me better. I didn’t want to pedal past them and trigger a chase reaction. Well, a chase and bite reaction.

I slowed then called out “safe to pass?” One of the women said it was although the three dogs were running loose. They may have had different ideas. So I stopped. The women gathered up the dogs and two of them came over to sniff me and say hello.

We were friends. At this point, I was about three miles from the finish. I just pedaled home thankful for another day on the bike. After returning home, I found out from my cousin, Doug Sherry, that I had passed about two miles from his house. I feel so bad. Next time he better have food waiting.

You must go back to the Kutztown fair (August)
We have gone just to compete for the prizes back in the day:
Best ear of corn – Box of cigars
Best exhibit fancy work – American Beauty corset
Largest display fruit – Electric buggy lights
Best exhibit of cattle – 1/2 ton chestnut coal
Largest pumpkin – Shave and a haircut
Largest poultry exhibit – 500 envelopes
Best beets – Bottle of whiskey
2nd best Holstein bull – Alarm clock
Best bushel oats – Horse shod free
Largest rooster – Pair of trousers
Best tomatoes – $1.00 worth of bread
Never won anything. Then we figured out that you have to be German to get the inside track. Have now been studying at the Rosetta Stone institute of quick learning, so I can go back and win something more than a straw hat.
I do remember a diner nearby. Long counter, round stools. Pies behind glass. Ordered lemon meringue. Slice as tall as an elephant's eye. Mmmm Mmmm Good.