I enjoyed the MS-150 route so much I decided I would do much of it in a one day ride. Rather than go south down around Locke Mountain to Roaring Spring, I would head up and over Locke Mountain. It would add a hard climb and save some miles.

I met Rocky Sprow at Hollidaysburg High School. Rocky is my cousin, Tammy Winebark’s husband. When I told him my plan he seemed somewhat horrified by the thought of going over Locke Mountain and suggested a different route to Williamsburg. A route that would take us over a swinging bridge. So the plan was to follow Rocky’s route to Williamsburg at which point we would follow MS-150 cues.
We headed out of Hollidaysburg. We turned onto Swinging Bridge Road and found the bridge. It was fun but not recommended.

Once we were on the road we passed a sign for Canoe Creek State Park. I asked Rocky how far it was to the Bat House. He thought I said “Bath House” and he said about a mile and a half. I told him I’d like to see it and he must have wondered why.
We only went about 1/4 mile when we came to a church. I told Rocky to stop. He went around the back and found the sign designating this former church as a bat habitat. I later informed him that when my dad entered the ministry in 1958 this, Canoe Creek E.U.B. Church, was one of the three that he served as part of the East Freedom Charge.

We headed on US 22 before turning off to Williamsburg. From there we picked up the MS-150 route.
We rode up to Spruce Creek then headed over to Tyrone. Just outside of Tyrone Rocky said he was cramping. We stopped at a beautiful bridge where he could stretch.
We stopped at a Sheetz. I got some watermelon for Rocky. But after passing Del Gross park, Rocky cramped big time. He couldn’t ride any farther. Then I brought out my secret weapon – Hot Shot, which I had picked up in Colorado.
Now I have tasted Hot Shot but never had to use it to fight cramps. I went into my saddle bag and brought it out. He asked “what is that?” I said “just drink it.” He opened it up and downed the whole thing. Maybe not in a chug but in a couple of swallows. I asked him how his cramps were and he said they were gone.

Although were they really? About 10 miles later we stopped in Altoona as Rocky needed another break. I went over and saw the Pennsylvania Rail Road museum while Rocky rested. I’m not sure if he was cramping again but in any case, I didn’t have an extra Hot Shot for him. But once I got back we hit the road and were able to finish with no further issues.
That was a very nice loop route. I promised 50 miles and we did 70 so I was off by a little. But I got to test the anti-cramping product. Well, on Rocky.
DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated with Hot Shot at all. I was introduced to the product in Colorado in June as a new way of fighting cramps. I hope I don’t cramp and have to use it but on this day it worked for Rocky. I carry one with me.