River Ride and Ferries


Seventeen years ago I went to a Century ride in Kilmarnock, Va. That day we crossed a river on what I referred to as the Ottoman Ferry. I was trying to recreate much of that ride. I looked for ferries in Virginia and found two near each other in Virginia’s “Northern Neck.”

Merry Point Ferry Sign

I mapped out a ride parking at the Hickory Hollow Nature Trail in Lancaster, Va. My plan was to ride to the Merry Point Ferry, turn around, then ride to the Sunnybank Ferry. I mapped out a Metric Century (62 miles or 100 km) but was very flexible depending on how the ride went.

Bad dog

I parked in a wooded nature area big enough for perhaps four cars. It was country but there were a couple of houses across the road. I started my Wahoo and immediately had a Pit Bull (or mix) come charging at me. I had just started and there was no way I could get up to speed and escape.

I stopped and yelled “GO HOME!” while trying to make myself bigger. I was ready to dismount and use my bike to protect me when a truck pulling a flatbed trailer came up the road. The dog saw this and went back. The driver saw this confrontation and stopped between me and the dog. I was able to slip away unnoticed but for the next couple of minutes, I kept checking to see if the dog was chasing me.

Parking at the nature trail

I made my way to the Merry Point Ferry on Ottoman Ferry Road. This was the one I crossed 17 years ago. The captain or operator, John, was very nice. He was impressed that I planned to ride both ferries and told me to say hello to John who was operating the next ferry in my trip.

After crossing the Western Branch of the Corrotman River, I rode about one mile and then turned around and went back to the ferry.

John, on the Merry Point Ferry

I had planned to ride past where I had parked but checked my map and found a different route to my next destination. I had to avoid the dog.

The route was flat and mostly on country roads. I crossed the Great Wicomico River and then headed to Sunnback and the Sunnybank Ferry. I said hello to John who was surprised I knew his name. I was the only one on the ferry and about halfway across the Little Wicomico River John asked me if we could go back. A car was pulling up and he wanted to go back and pick it up.

Great Wicomico River – The bridge rises although it’s hard to see here

I was in no hurry and told him that would be fine by me. But then he had second thoughts and we continued to the trip. To make it easier when we arrived at shore I stepped over the retaining rope and was able to walk around the gate so he did not have to disembark to take care of that. We almost hit the shore when he ] reversed it and went back for the car on the other side

Arriving on the Sunnybank Ferry

I found an entrance to a development using Brammer Drive, next to the Chesapeake Bay. And a second dog chased me. Did I wear something dogs like today? Geez!

Corn – This led to a private road (oops) but hey, I was following the GPS

The ride back was a loop and then retraced much of what I had ridden.

Merry Point Ferry

Closer to Reedsville the roads became “heavy,” a cyclist description of rough asphault. Not potoles but more like the original surface without the smooth finishing coat. These roads are harder to pedal on an will wear one out sooner. There weren’t shoulders here and traffic increased.

Ottoman Ferry Road

Nice crossing of the Sunnybank Ferry (Sam)

Great Wiconmico River

It was a fun ride although I was shaken from the dog attack at the beginning. I was going to ride a metric century (62 miles) but cut it a little bit short. I may do a variation of this again but always with a watch out for the canines.

Peach milkshakes. I stopped but this looked more like a sit down restaurant so no milkshake for me

Delaware Bay


The challenge: Circumvent the Delaware Bay. The route was relatively straightforward. Go up through Delaware and return through New Jersey. Crossing the Delaware River by bike took some planning.

Two routes both generated by RideWithGPS from Lewes to Delaware City

I utilized the mapping features of RidewithGPS and drew a ride from Lewes to Delaware City. The first was using the app and it produced a 97-mile route. The second used the website and it produced an 80-mile route. That’s a big difference mostly involving one hour of riding time.

Milford, Del. – I didn’t see any ducks

That time would be significant. Saving “the best until last” I wanted to ride most of the day and then finish my day with a ferry ride. If I rode from south to north I would be racing to meet the last departure of the ferry for the day – a 3:00 p.m. boat from Delaware City to Pea Patch Island then to Fort Mott, N.J.

Crabs at Crab 73

The Cape May-Lewes Ferry runs all day so there was no time constraint in rushing to meet its schedule other than what I would impose on myself by the reservation I made. The Forts Ferry Crossing operates Wednesday – Sunday from 9:30 until 3:00 in summer and weekends only in May and September.

Egg refrigerator near Milford

Granted, the simplest would be to ride counterclockwise. Leaving Lewes I could catch an early morning ferry on Friday and then catch the 9:30 a.m. ferry in Fort Mott, New Jersey on Saturday. But it is nice looking forward to a ferry at the end of a ride. It is not nice to monitor the time during the ride and even skipping lunch because of a ferry schedule.

Fort Delaware State Park, Delaware River

I contacted my friend, Branan, who lives in southeastern Pa. for a recommendation. He in turn connected me with his friend, Marty, who is from Delaware. Marty and I discussed logistics. As long as the ferry was an option I was going to utilize it. The closest bridge crossing is not until the Ben Franklin Bridge in Philadelphia – a 90-mile detour.

Delaware City Hotel and Crabby Dicks

Websites are great but few can answer every question or permeation that one may have. I couldn’t figure out with certainty whether I could take my bike and take this ferry across Delaware. Where is George Washington when you need him?

On Wednesday, the day before I left, I called the ticket office for the ferry. I was told I could take my bike. Just be sure to arrive before the last ferry (3:00). Buy a ticket in the office, no need to do it online in advance. Board the boat to the island. Stay on the boat then go to Fort Mott. It sounded simple.

Reddy Point Bridge (Del. Rte 9, Delaware City)

Yesterday I went to Easton, Maryland, and rode out to Tilghman Island. I was chasing miles because on June 23 I was 970 miles behind my plan for the year. I also wanted a flat ride to get a good measure of my speed. I came in at 17.0 mph (27 kph) and wanted to use that to determine my riding time to Delaware City. I determined I should leave by 8:00 a.m. to allow myself plenty of time to make the boat.

Aboard the DelaFort

Lodging was at Home2Suites by Hilton in Lewes. I should have checked in advance for the parking situation because I did not know before I checked in whether I could leave my car for an extra day. I could. They have plenty of open space next to the hotel and Cletis said there would be no problem leaving the car for a day while I rode to Pennsville for the night.

Home2Suites, Lewes, Del.

The night was short. There was an alarm in the room that had been set for 5:15 a.m. Not my alarm. Not my setting. Not a great way to start the day. I did try to go back to sleep for an hour or so but my Whoop Recovery was still in the red (33%). Well, here goes …

Breakfast at the hotel

I was 23 minutes later leaving the hotel than I wanted. I was on the road at 8:23 a.m. It was windy. Most of the day it felt like I was fighting a headwind and my “windsock” measurement shows my longest continuous headwind was for three hours and two minutes. It was tough riding.

Georgetown/Lewes Trail

Destination: Delaware City. Fort Mott. Pennsville. I was only slightly confused leaving the hotel trying to find the direction my GPS wanted me to follow but soon found myself on the Georgetown/Lewes Trail.

Georgetown/Lewes Trail

The roads in southern Delaware were great. Mostly I had roads with wide shoulders. Magnolia was only 35 miles into the ride and Marty had suggested a water or food stop there because it was pretty barren the rest of the way. I did not need anything at that point nor did a convenience store jump out at me. Perhaps if I saw one if would have stopped. I didn’t.

Near Milton. Bike Rte 1

From there it was a brief ride on Del. Rte 1, a busy 4-lane road with wide shoulders. After two km I turned onto Del. Rte 9 – a back road generally with no shoulders although occasionally there was room to ride to the right of the white line.


Marty examined the two different routes generated by RideWithGPS. Both went through Dover. He suggested the brief foray onto Del. Rte. 1 and to get to Rte 9 as soon as possible. RideWithGPS did not like this. I could not connect two points and be routed onto this road. This appears to be a mapping issue with Google Maps as they must have this road off-limits to bikes. RideWithGPS uses Google Maps on the back end.

Milford. This is just silly, Delaware. This appears to be a 20-meter bike path complete with a bike stop sign for the first two meters.

In 2024 we can create or find a route we want to ride, upload that to our bike computer, and follow the map, not unlike a car’s mapping functions. The problem I had was I couldn’t map this section and had to resort to the feature of “drawing lines” instead of “following roads.” The only question I had on this ride was this section and my manual change to override the mapping feature worked perfectly.

Produce stand outside of Milford

I came to Little Creek (Mile 43) and saw the welcoming flags of OPEN that businesses will put out. I stopped at the Little Creek Grill. It has a small dining room and a counter. It was 11:30 a.m. and was packed. I had to ask one guy to stand up from his table to get past him to the cooler to grab water. I paid at the counter and thought that perhaps I should buy a second water to top off my second half-full bottle. He seemed bothered enough the first time. I didn’t try for a second.

Little Creek Diner – Perhaps the only place on Rte 9 to replenish supplies

At Mile 63 I was running short on water. I saw the welcome flags flying at an establishment and pulled in. It was Crab 73. I walked in and there was a man behind the counter with no shirt on. Two basins of crabs. But a refrigerator of water. $1 each. I took two. Thank god I found this place.

Crab 73

In reviewing the routes, Marty told me I had a better bridge crossing over the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. For some reason, I pictured that I avoided a very high bridge and was taking a back road with a draw bridge across the canal.

Reddy Point Bridge

As I approached the Reddy Point Bridge I could see the road going up. It was an impressive sight to see rising above the otherwise pancake-flat horizon. My legs did not like the thought of a climb now.

Reddy Point Bridge

It was two lanes, no shoulder. It was no different than the 80 miles behind me and I liked to think that now I was visible in a straight line with two brightly shining rear strobe lights. I would be okay. Maybe 10 vehicles, at most, passed me and all were respectful. The most annoying thing about the bridge was that there were large junction gaps in the bridge deck every 20 meters or so.

Delaware City

In Delaware City at 2:15 p.m. I went straight to the ferry ticket office to buy my ticket. A very nice woman sold me one for the 3:00 departure. I asked about the 2:30 and she told me I could board it but it would go to the island, return, and then leave at 3:00 for the island before heading to Fort Mott.

Delaware City

I informed her that I really wanted a burger. She wasn’t real sure of fast service at Crabby Dicks and recommended a sandwich shop, Sabatina’s. I entered the shop which was permeated by a rotten cigar smell. I bought a Coke Zero and left. I went for ice cream instead.

Fudge Packing Company

Sitting outside a shade-covered table, two young women and two kids came by with ice cream. They looked at the tables in the sun and I invited them to sit at my table for six in the shade. Nice family. They were babysitting the kids.

Fudge Packing Co., Delaware City

I went over to the ferry at 2:50 p.m. When I was sure everyone was off I walked up with my ticket. The man couldn’t have been nicer. He showed me where to put my bike. We left at 2:58 p.m. Hmm. Glad I didn’t show up at 3:00.

Stowing my bike aboard the Delfort

The ferry stopped at Pea Patch Island, dropped a couple of passengers then picked up more to continue to New Jersey. I had mapped a riverfront ride to the hotel and it worked perfectly.

Delaware City

The hotel was the Hampton Inn, Pennsville. At the front desk, the clerk was eating a sandwich and didn’t seem to want to be interrupted. I went to my room (digital check-in), showered, and then walked next door to the Cracker Barrel for dinner. Back at the hotel, I asked for the snack mix as my Diamond Member rewards. He said they were out. I asked for the cookies. He said they were out. “Water,” I finally told him.

Hampton Inn, Pennsville


While at Cracker Barrell I decided to book my trip on the Cape May-Lewes ferry for tomorrow. I brought up their website and clicked on the calendar date. There were no available times for sailing! I had looked earlier in the week and it seemed like everything was wide open. But no bookings were available. I screwed up.

My goal of circumventing the Bay just took a big hit. Did I want to stay an extra day instead? The answer is no, I did not. I would have to go back the way I came. Back over to the Delaware Forts Ferry website.

There is no ticket office at Fort Mott, New Jersey. One must buy a ticket in advance. I bought a ticket for Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. – $11. The route back played out in my mind. It would be okay. Sleep a little later before hitting the road.

I went back to the Cape May-Lewes site once again. Maybe there was a cancellation. Then it dawned on me. I had been looking at today’s date for sailing.

When the body is tired the mind makes bad decisions.

Seems strange that nothing late showed as available but it actually wasn’t. The last boat had sailed. I checked for Saturday, Aug. 24 – and there were openings available all day.

I booked a fare for 2:30. Options included 1:00, 3:30, and 6:00 p.m. My original plan was back on.

Riding next to the Delaware River in Pennsyville, NJ. Looking at the Delaware Memorial Bridge (I-295)


I went to breakfast at the Hampton and out the door at 8:00 a.m. The weather was pleasant and just chilly enough I wore sunscreen arm protectors as arm warmers. The roads were surprisingly nice.

Turkeys holding up traffic

Virtually the entire way to Cape May I was on roads with wide shoulders. Also, the terrain tended to be rolling. No real hills per se but enough variability in the terrain to require me to shift gears often.

Salem, N.J. – A lovely town

Bridgeton, N.J. was interesting. It reminded me of Portland, Oregon, minus the hipsters on their bikes doing track stands at the traffic lights. But it did have the same amount of broken glass along the shoulders. Wanting a nature break I saw the golden arches and thought I would use their restroom. In the entrance vestibule, I was going to bring in my bike but saw a “beater” bike already there. I thought if someone had to hide that bike there was no way I was going to slip inside for two minutes and leave my bike unguarded. I left.

Quntion, NJ – Foot long hot dogs – not open at 8:52 a.m.

Riding through Cumberland Co., I went past the New Jersey Motor Sports park – a noisy proposition for sure. Near Mauricetown I went “off script” and I’m not sure it was the right decision. But I think it was.

West Park, NJ – Roosters!

I had traveled 44 miles and was low on water. Unlike the last 40 miles in Delaware, there seemed to be gas sations and/or convenience stores most of the way to Cape May. But I saw a Wawa.

Laurel Lake, NJ

My rule of thumb while riding, especially long distances by myself, is never pass a Sheetz (without stopping). And here east of the Susquehanna, that applies to Wawa as well. I got two waters and was good to go. I checked my maps.

Wawa – Port Norris, NJ

What I had mapped out weaved back and forth a bit headed down to Cape May. I was right next to the intersection with NJ 347 which looked to be a direct line to Cape May. I figured my original route was more on country roads and 347 was highway and I was right. I decided to take a peek and if it had a shoulder I would ride it.

Dennis Twp., NJ

I could feel my body tiring. I figured direct was better. I appears that I saved about four miles from my original route. I didn’t need the 15 minutes that I saved as much as I was glad to cut off miles. I started watching the clock.

Villas, NJ

The ferry departed at 2:30. Check-in was at 1:30 p.m. I still needed a ticket. I was glad to have shaved the miles.

Villas, NJ

One more convenience store and this time I bought water and a Coke Zero. The Coke would fit into my jersey pocket which as now empty of contents having eaten my way through the gels and food that I brought. A Snickers bar fit into my tightly packed backpack.

North Cape May

I departed the main highway and was in the residential area of North Cape May. No traffic but sometimes sandy streets and my route did not connect all the way through directly. On one street I must have had 20 straight blocks with a stop sign.

Ferry Terminal

At the end of the street was a Dead End sign whereas my map on my Wahoo wanted me to go straight. I saw an officer and asked if the ferry was straight ahead. She pointed me up the road and told me there was a bicycle entrance.

Ferry Terminal

I purchased my ticket online but I needed to trade that in for a paper ticket. I parked outside the terminal and went in. Maybe it was matching ID to the name in order to get the ticket. In most places the ticket on your phone is good enough but here you still need paper. Whatever it was, I got my ticket and was good to go. It was 1:41 p.m.

While I was waiting two guys came over to me to chat. One was on a motorcycle while the other was on an e-Bike. Both wanted to let me know that they ride “real” bikes when not on the machines they were riding that day.

Play minigolf before sailing

It was 2:20 p.m. when the first passengers were invited to board – two bicyclists. There are bike racks amongst the cars. I removed my Wahoo and Garmin Varia Radar from the bike and left the bike unlocked. I just didn’t think someone would pick up my bike and put it in their car. And if they did – I would trust the AirTag in the bike to alert me to the location.

Bike rack

I went upstairs and grabbed a bite to eat. Found a table with USB ports, sat, and relaxed. The trip across the Bay took almost 90 minutes. It was 4:00 when we rolled off the deck.

First on – last off

From the terminal, it was four miles back to the hotel where I had left the car two days ago. It was an easy ride, and I was back on the Georgetown/Lewes Trail for another mile.

Cape May – Lewes Ferry

Back at the hotel, I was greeted by Cletis. “You made it!” he said. I was parched and while he retrieved my suitcase with my car key in it, he also told me to take whatever I wanted from their cooler. The water was so good. And so was a Coke Zero,.

With gratitude to Branan and Marty for their knowledge and advice.

Lessons Learned:

I went light. I took a clean kit for the second day. I think I could have gotten by with washing it in the shower or even using the hotel laundry so I didn’t carry a second kit. Or maybe just clean bibs and wash the jersey.

I had a mesh backpack with string straps. Go with real straps even if using a heavier backpack.

As much as I like saving the ferry ride for the last thing of the day, consider riding counterclockwise and hitting the ferry first thing. The Delaware ferry was an absolute 3:00 cutoff whereas Cape May was 2:30 but could have been made for 3:30 or 6:00 p.m. But on both days I was very aware that I had to make a time cutoff and I would not have that if I rode counterclockwise. Having a hard deadline adds a bit of stress.

The last 40 miles in Delaware from Dover to Delaware City on Rte 9 are mostly barren for supplies. Riding north to south in Delaware would place those 40 miles at the beginning of the ride instead of the end.

Fun adventure! Will I do it again? Doubtful. But I would like to. And I do recommend it. Maybe someone can learn from my mistakes.

Blair Mountain Challenges


My go-to climb in Blair County, Pa. has been Glenwhite Road from Horseshoe Curve to the top of the mountain. I climb it 3-4 times per year and always love it. I didn’t need anything different but I found something different.

While visiting my mother in Pennsylvania, I was looking to see if I could find a group ride in Blair County. I found the Blair Cycling Club on Facebook but didn’t find any group rides listed. Lots of cancellation notices. But I found something better. It looked like they have a “Mountain Challenge” ride every Tuesday. And they posted those along with a map file.

I found two challenges. On my way home I would stop and ride one. If it went well I would ride the second one if it wasn’t too far out of the way.

The two were the Baumgardner Mountain Challenge and the Williamsburg Mountain Challenge. I was familiar with the areas but not with the climbs. I thought the first one was one I had descended before – Sproul Mountain. When I got on the road I realized it wasn’t.

I drove to the tiny village of Imler. I parked at the fire department and then headed to Osterburg. There begins a one-mile climb to I-99. Once under the Interstate I turned on Mountain Road. This is a 2.5-mile climb over Baumgardner Mountain. As I climbed the gradient got progressively steeper until the last half mile was around 12%.

Which way do I go? – Imler, Pa.

I was thinking it was an easy climb and thought I would go to the summit in the saddle. But as I climbed increasingly higher that goal gave way just to staying comfortable on the climb. I went over the top searching for the gradient sign and found one – 12% for two miles.

12% – two miles

After turning around most of this ride was downhill or flat going back. It really was delightful. I thought I would look for one of Bedford County’s covered bridges if the route did not take me to one. But it did.

Bowser Covered Bridge

I went past the Bowser Covered Bridge. I stopped for a couple of photos and then headed back to the car.

Nice loop. I’d ride it again if the circumstances were right.

The second climb began in Williamsburg. This one would be a little out of the way. I decided if it was less than 45 minutes away I would do it. I turned on Waze and my ETA was 43 minutes. I honored the deal that I made with myself.

I knew Williamsburg mostly from being a rest stop on the MS rides from Hollidaysburg to State College. We always went in by rolling valley roads so I looked forward to seeing the climb.

On the way to Williamsburg on U.S. 22 I passed Turkey Valley Road and turned left. Just a quarter mile up the road is a bat house managed by the Pennsylvania Department of Natural Resources. But I know it was the former Canoe Creek E.U.B. Church. This was one of three of my dad’s first churches he was assigned to as a probationary pastor in 1958. The other two churches were East Freedom and Mount Moriah.

Canoe Creek EUB Church – the bat house

Just being here was to be in my dad’s presence once again. It brought me peace remembering him and his service to this community.

In Williamsburg, I parked at the trailhead. There is a rail trail here but I would be climbing and not taking the east 1% grade of the former train on the Lower Trail.

Williamsburg, Pa.

Immediatley I began climbing. It was a half-mile climb followed by a half-mile descent that I hated. I knew I would be added that half-mile back into the next climb. There was a little more than one mile of flat and then I hit the wall. The climb began in earnest. It started at 9-10% and never got easier. It was a 2.5-mile climb to the summit and stayed around 10% with some sections of 12%. It was a tough climb,

At the top – 12% for three miles

I’ve read ratings of climbs in the area. I like the Horseshoe Curve. I’ve also ridden Henrietta Mountain which is rated tougher. My memory could use a rain check on Henrietta – I think this was the toughest climb that I’ve done.

Pretty house

My glasses were covered in sweat. I tried to clean them at the top before turning around an descending but I was still sweating. I think I could have hit 50 mph on the descent if I could see the road clearly. I could not.

Near the bottom, I turned and made this into a 17-mile out-and-back loop ride. The valley was pretty and I enjoyed not just riding a nine-mile up and down mountain ride.

Back in Williamsburg, it was time for a treat. Ice cream at the end.

Ice cream

When Flat is Good


Face it, when riding “flat” is usually in reference to a tire with no air. But it is also a terrain. And this flat is good.

In preparation for the Cykelnerven event in France in June, we were asked for a self-evaluation. One of the questions was “How fast to you ride on a flat route?” My rhetorical answer was “Where can I find one of those flat courses?”

Sarah’s – Presque Isle, Erie, Pa.

My answer did not fit into the boxes we were given. I added a note and said 27 km per hour (17 mph). And then I went to France. I was nowhere close to that average and felt like I was dishonest with Bo, our ride leader, and dishonest with myself. I began to wonder if I would ever see that speed again.

In town for a wedding, I did not have time for a long ride on Saturday because we had an afternoon wedding. Likewise on Sunday we were meeting for breakfast/brunch and then headed home. So I went to Presque Isle for a quick ride.

Sarah’s – Presque Isle, Erie, Pa.

On Saturday I parked at Beach One. On Sunday I parked on the bay side at the first parking area. Each day I planned to circumvent Presque Isle State Park.

Sarah’s – Presque Isle, Erie, Pa.

I did not know the distance (approximately 12 miles – 19.3 km). On Saturday I had a little more time. I exited the park, rode to Sarah’s, the very popular 50s-style hot dog and ice cream stand at the entrance and then another half lap. On Sunday I only had time for one lap.

The roads here are great. On the bay side there is a bike path that follows the bay and is well suited for kids on bikes and runners or walkers. It is not a serious place to ride a road bike. Rather the roadway for the first 3.5 miles is a two-lane one-way road that is parallel to the bike lane that weaves in and out of the woods.

Sarah’s – Presque Isle, Erie, Pa.

At the end of the 3.5 miles the road becomes two-lane with traffic in either direction. This forms a six-mile loop at the top of the peninsula before opening up to another two-lane one-way road that exists the park.

I started riding at a good pace. I was never watching my speed but new I felt good. It wasn’t quite an all-out effort one might give in a time trial. Instead of a 100% effort it was probably 90%.

Sarah’s – Presque Isle, Erie, Pa.

Traffic was very light and very respectable. It was also 7:00 a.m. so the beach traffic was not materializing at that time. I was riding pretty fast, at least for me, and was getting very sweaty. I did not want to try to take photos while I rode, both in an effort to keep my speed up and also not wanting to drop a sweaty phone.

I checked my speed. On Saturday it was 18.5 mph (29.8 kph). On Sunday I was just happy to ride and had no pretense that I could ride at 18.5 again. And I was even faster – 18.8 mph (30.3 kph). It didn’t match the 21.7 mph (34.9 kph) that I averaged last year at Corolla, N.C. But that was a full out effort whereas this was 90%.

Presque Isle Bay, Erie, Pa.

This was close to a JRA ride (just riding along) although at a higher pace. I felt that I was honest in my pre-France assessment. I can average 17 or 18 mph on the flat – if I can find a flat. I found one.

Everything but a Lake


Despite living here for six years, I did not know any good cycling routes besides Presque Isle. I was a, GULP, runner in the early 80s. But a wedding brought me back to the area and I found some routes for the Lake Erie Cyclefest while the wedding planners were doing their planning stuff.

Train in Fairview Township

I drove out to Asbury Woods to begin a 50-mile (80 km) loop. The first three miles (five km) were on rough pavement. Lots of potholes. And that is where the loop portion began. I was in Fairview Township and rode north towards Lake Erie.

I could see on the map that the route did not go right beside the lake but in this area, the land back from the lake is typically higher so one can often see the lake despite being a mile or more away. Not today. I never saw the lake.

Sunflowers in Girard

I thought I might set a record for at-grade railroad crossings. I was reminded that a lot of rail traffic goes through this area. I went through Fairview Township and passed some vineyards. Compared to the ones in Loudoun County, Va., the vineyards I saw were very unkept.

Stately home in Cranesville

I went into Girard and then turned south towards Albion and Cranesville. These were small towns very familiar to me and, strangely enough, I have never been. On May 31, 1985, we were told that “Albion was wiped off the map” by the killer tornadoes that swept through the area on that day. It was surreal riding through here. I’m sure a swath had been wiped out but I could not tell where some 39 years later.

Franklin Township – between Cranesville and Fairview

The route was mostly on rural roads with little traffic. Some of it is wooded, and some of it is open next to fields. Although it was not exactly on the route, I saw a McDonalds in Albion should I wanted to stop.

Nice route. I’d recommend it. Ialso doubt that I will get to ride this again.

DISTANCE: 49.8 miles (80 km)

SkyMass Again


I did this ride once. It was in 2010 and was my first or second ride after cancer. Fourteen years ago my weight was better (thanks, Cancer), my bike fitness was probably less,* my age was better, and my motivation was stronger. On that day I rode with seven riders from The Bike Lane, all appreciably younger, stronger, faster. Yet I kept up.

Toll both entrance to Sklyline Drive

Although Strava was founded in 2009, who was using it then? Not me. Likewise for RideWithGPS, founded in 2007. I was using a Garmin 705. I would upload a ride to Garmin Connect but only epic rides. To upload meant connecting the Strava to a computer to upload to the Garmin website. The 10-30 mile local rides were never uploaded.

First generation super GPS for the bike (2009)

Eventually, I became a convert to RidewithGPS and even later to Strava. Today my Wahoo Bolt automatically uploads each ride to both as soon as I end a ride. It is done through Wifi, Bluetooth, or some magical potion that I carry in my back pocket. I don’t know or care how it works, just that it works.

South Fork Shenandoah River

Late last night I went to the Garmin website. My password still worked. I found my ride from 2010 and exported the GPX file. I uploaded that to Strava so that I could be discouraged when I rode seeing how I did 14 years ago.

Skyline Drive

I posted this SkyMass ride six weeks ago on the Facebook page of Prince William Cycling Club. The night before my ride, some dick posted the same ride including the route I had drawn, just 30 minutes earlier. He could have asked me if I could move the start time to 9:00 and I would have agreed.

Passage Creek off Fort Valley Road

When I arrived at the park at 9:05 there was a group of about eight riders looking ready to roll out. At 9:15 and 9:20 they were still there. I began to think it was a different group and I approached them and asked what ride it was I was met with a surly, “This is the 9:00 ride.” I guess they knew me. Why he wanted to lead his own ride, I don’t know. Ego?

Mountain Road

Although in 2010 my Edge had mapping capabilities, we were not creating routes to be downloaded to bike computers yet. It could be done but it was a very awkward process. I never did that. Someone 14 years ago, had a cue sheet of the roads we would follow. And everyone followed. On that day we bypassed Luray and opted for country roads and closed country stores. For today, I created a route that went through Luray where refueling was an option.

Foggy on Skyline Drive

We had a group of four and it was perfect. I don’t like large groups and I was glad to see the 9:00 group leave five minutes before us. We left and headed up to Skyline Drive. The last time I was here was in 2021 with the Texas4000.

We climbed and climbed some more. The first 5.7 miles (9.2km) were all uphill before giving way to a very slight and short downhill and then climbed to 7.5 miles (12km) before a downhill section. The climbing continued to our high point on the Drive at 22.4 miles (35km).

Skyline Drive

While it looks imposing, the climbing was just 2.5% grade for those 22 miles. After removing the descents from the climb it was 15.9 miles (25.6km) at 4.5%. It felt like more.

Skyline Drive

It was foggy and chilly at times. My arms were wet from riding in the clouds. I regretted not having the arm warmers that I had left in the car. My three riding partners wore jackets.

Our group

We descended off Skyline Drive on Rte 211 to Luray. It was a Sunday and many places were closed. I don’t remember being in downtown Luray before. Although the initial impression was gas stations and a strip mall, the main street presented quite a pretty and quaint place.

Cute store. They sold almost nothing though.

We made our way over to a bridge over the South Fork of the Shenandoah River. Two turns later we were on Fort Valley Road. That road turns up and goes over Massanutten Mountain. It is in a forest with an occasional view of the valley over the right shoulder, especially where a home on the side of the mountain has been built.

George Washington National Forest

The sun had come out and I was sweating heavily. My Whoop was showing my Strava segment from 14 years ago and was taunting me. Although I started first with another rider, once I went ahead I watched to see if I would lose more time compared to 2010 or keep the loss the same. I was losing time.


The climb is hard. It gets increasingly harder the farther up you go. It was 10% for the last kilometer,


At the summit, I saw a paraglider jumping off the side of the mountain. I had slumped over my handlebars and was too tired and my hands were too slimy to get a photo. But the views were great.

Paraglider flying past the mountain

The profile appears to show a 33-mile downhill after the summit. There is a nice descent back off the mountain but while the road trends downhill it is extremely lumpy. We still had more than 1000′ of climbing (300m) remaining. Plus we were now going into a headwind.

Traffic on Fort Valley Road seemed to be heavier than a country road should be. It did have a double yellow line most of the way once coming off the mountain. One motorist in a convertible going the opposite direction yelled very aggressively while he passed, “GET OFF THE ROAD!”

Fort Valley Road

We stopped at Fort Valley Store for more drinks – and a Snickers. As we turned onto Mountain Road at Mile 73 (117 km), a Strava segment popped up. I decided to see if the legs had anything left. At first, I went, and then I paused. Then I went again. And I went full out and beat the 2010-self by one second. I will take that.

Fort Valley Store

Back at the cars, I pulled out apple cinnamon donuts from The AppleHouse restaurant in Linden. They were a perfect dessert for a full meal of climbing today.

*I say my bike fitness was less 14 years ago. I was recovering from cancer surgery and not riding daily as I was working full-time. In 2024 I ride every day although I undoubtedly am not as strong.

A Colonial Ride


I found myself side by side with two horses pulling a couple of riders in a carriage. The driver was dressed in period garb but the riders, well, they were wearing something from 400 years later.

Horse and carriage

The capitol flew the flag of the British Empire. And I, in my time-traveling machine, was on my bike.


I began 90 minutes earlier in Richmond. I parked at Great Shiplock Park and rode one mile over to the Richmond Main Station. The train was scheduled to leave at 10:03 a.m. and I walked into the terminal at 9:50. A not-so-friendly employee “greeted” me with a greeting that was less friendly and more challenging. She sort of barked out “May I help you?” and I sensed that was more seeing what I was doing in the train station with my bike as opposed to actually wanting to help me.

Cobbles are for cars. Pave is for bikes. Richmond, Va.

I responded that I was headed to Williamsburg. She said, “Ok.” She could have, should have added, that the train was 38 minutes late. Is this really any way to run a train?

Low Line in Richmond

Despite a beautiful morning, the doors to the outside platform were locked. One couple had tried to go outside for fresh air while the rest of us were inside the terminal. At about 10:15 a.m. two employees opened the doors to the platform, signaling that the train would be arriving soon.

Richmond Main

On the platform, I met two people who had bikes with them. This train is nice but they limit bikes to four per train. The best I can determine is that there is one space per car on this four-car train using a hook-and-hang system.

Richmond Main. Couple would be riding back as well.

I chatted briefly with the couple. This was their first time riding from Williamsburg to Richmond. The woman had a prosthetic foot and I was quite impressed that she, that they, were trying this. They looked to be both recreational riders. The man, and he was the only one I talked to, asked if he should buy a newer bike. He mentioned his bike is 30 years old. I told him for sure he should. I should have had him lift my bike.

Train approaching Richmond Main

He asked if I was riding back from Williamsburg and I told him I was. He said he didn’t know if they could ride seven more miles and told me they would take a bus from the train to Jamestown Settlement which is the beginning of the 52-mile trail back to Richmond. I saw them when I had offloaded in Williamsburg and hoped to pass them on my ride but I never saw them again. They may have eaten lunch in Williamsburg before beginning their journey.

Bike storage on Amtrak

The late arriving train messed up my schedule. I had just enough time to ride from Williamsburg to Richmond and finish with a climb up Libby Hill. I needed to get home in time to go watch my grandson play baseball at 6:30 p.m.

Williamsburg Station

I departed the station and was about to head to Jamestown. I saw one of the entrances to Colonial Williamsburg and decided to roll back into time. The signage was clear – no motorized vehicles. So bikes are welcome.

Williamsburg, Va.

I slow-rolled through the town which may explain my disappointing average speed for the ride.* Other reasons may be (1) I’m old, (2) It was windy, (3) Out of fuel, (4) I’m fat, (5) I suck.


There were places for lunch in Williamsburg that tempted me but I thought I had everything I needed for the ride. I headed down Jamestown Road making two exploratory wrong turns along the way. I came into the Virginia Capital Trail at MP 0.5 (there isn’t such a MP though) and headed towards Richmond.


Food options are scarce on the trail. The trail parallels Va. Rte 5 and food options are scarce on Rte 5. I didn’t use it but there is a nice trail map online. Near Jamestown at MP 2.5 is Spoke & Art Provisions. They are closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays but the clock and not the calendar was my problem today.

Capitol in Williamsburg

I was fighting a strong crosswind all day coming from the southwest. And I was fighting the clock.

Entrance to Williamsburg

Near Charles City is a Citgo gas station where the trail crosses Rte 5 and takes the road for 1/2 mile. The gas station sells fried chicken. In Charles City is Cul’s Courthouse Grille (you know what the “e” means). That is probably the best place to stop, sit, and eat on the trail. I ate there once and it was good. The gas station does not have seating.

A new entry may be Breez-In Convenience Store, just south of Charles City. It may be a Sunoco station that I passed. The trail is away from the road here so I did not check it out. But that was it for food and water.

Bridge near MP4

I carried two bottles of water and a few food packets. I would discover that was not enough. I was out of food by MP 42 when I went through the two parks. The first is Four Mile Creek Park. No facilities were open but a new restroom is almost complete. Two miles later was Dorey Park. It had facilities and presumably water fountains. But I would have to exit from the trail to go into the park and didn’t have the time. Or energy. I was bonking.

Four Mile Creek Park

I passed the Valero gas station at MP 43.5 and then doubled back. I knew I was just eight miles from the start but I also knew I needed something. I went into the Fast Mart, saw the water then opted instead for Gatorade. I went to the counter and there were two young women “working.” There were two registers and one woman had a “Register Closed” sign on hers as she was checking her phone. The other woman, with three nostril rings, said “I’ll be with you in a second.”

I waited for one minute and she was still standing there. I think she was in mid-transaction with someone who left the store, maybe to go out to the car and get their wallet. Rather than pause or cancel the transaction she just stood there. I apologized and told her I didn’t have time to wait. I left with nothing.

I went another four miles and came to a 7-Eleven. At this point, I was only two and one-half miles from start and all downhill. But I stopped. I needed water. And went for a Slurpy. I poured that into both bottles and I was great.

Chickahominy River

I was watching the time and wanted to ride Libby Hill. Three miles earlier I had no energy to tackle the famous climb used in the 2015 World Cycling Championships. When I got to my car I was ready to climb. I decided I would check Waze. If traffic going home was horrific and there was no chance of getting to Aiden’s game then I would continue my ride.

Berkeley Plantation MP30

I stopped at the car. I opened Waze and saw I could be home by 5:30 if I left right then. I ended my ride, took a “shower” with Chamois Butt’r Skin Wash, and headed home.

End of the trail in Richmond

It was a nice ride. Ultimately my ride didn’t end short because of a baseball game. It ended short because Amtrak can’t run a train on schedule.

*My average was just 15.1 mph. Knocking out the slow-rolling part in Williamsburg, it was more than 16 mph.

DISTANCE: 59 miles (95 km)

Happy Happy Pain


It’s like Happy Happy Pain Pain but with half the pain.

We climbed that

The need for more mountain training became obvious when on Sunday I rode from Myersville on my Happy Happy Pain Pain ride. I had one metric that day I wanted to improve on. That was the two-mile climb from Pen Mar to High Rock. And I failed. Miserably.

Bridge over Big Hunting Creek (Blacks Mill Road)

We didn’t time segments back in 2009 but I had the segment loaded on my bike computer on Sunday. I started out 1-2 seconds ahead of my 2009 self. After 3-4 minutes I was behind the pace. I fell off dramatically and finished at 17:08. I lost 3.5 minutes in 15 years. France is not looking good.

Catoctin Furnace

Today’s ride was planned for 45 or 57 miles but from Thurmont, Md., and not from Myersville. But the destination again was High Rock. I rode with my friend, Tim, and told him I would ride with him except at High Rock. There I had to go for a PR (personal record). This assumed that he couldn’t or wouldn’t want to stay with me as I went all out.

Roddy Creek – Thurmont

It was a gorgeous day as we arrived at Thurmont Community Park. The temperature would hover in the low 70s most of the day with bright sunshine obscured by forested roads for most of the route.

Catoctin Furnace – You only see this traveling at the speed of bike

We rode some flat country roads for about eight miles before starting the climbing portion of the day up Catoctin Hollow Road. I have ridden this road at least twice before, once in 2009 and once in 2012. Has it really been 12 years since I last climbed this?

Rocks. Lots of rocks.

I designed this route using a route ridden by three cyclists I met at High Rock on Sunday. They had ridden from Walkersville so I wasn’t going to duplicate their exact route as I wanted to ride out of Thurmont. But we would follow their route from Catoctin Hollow Road to High Rock and back to Thurmont.

Not for the faint of heart

The roads are beautiful. Most were shaded in the forest and it was hard to resist stopping on the climb for photos. We made our way over to Fort Ritchie and the beginning of the climb to High Rock. We went through an intersection at the High Rock Park. And I took off.

High Rock Park

I wasn’t sure where the segment on the climb began although Wahoo would show START. But from history, I also know that there is a delay in actually passing the start location, and by the time it shows up on the bike’s computer. So it was good to have some speed going at that point. In a few hundred meters I hit the start and was immediately up on my personal record (PR) by 2-3 seconds.

My goal, and it would change frequently over the next 15 minutes, was to set a PR. For that I needed to beat my 2009 time of 13:26. The time ahead went up to 20 seconds then 30 seconds. Then my goal was to beat 13:00. At one point I was 0:48 ahead and Wahoo also predicted a finishing time. That time was 13:28. Even Wahoo didn’t believe that I could hold a 48-second lead to the finish.

High Rock

I unzipped my jersey. The winds felt like headwinds but were cooling and weren’t hated. My wind map would show that those were crosswinds.

Winds from the ENE

At 400 meters to go I could see the opening at High Rock in the road ahead. I still had a 45-second lead. As I crested the summit it showed I still had 60 meters to go. But where? There was only a parking lot and an access road to the left. I stayed on the road. And then the display switched to my course map. There was no indication that I finished a Strava segment. I know I was ahead. Does it count if it’s not on Strava?

Loy’s Station Covered Bridge

I turned around. I descended 800 meters (0.5 miles) to find Tim and to ride the last section with him. He asked me if I got it (PR) and I told him I didn’t know. I mean, I killed it but Strava may not have it. I thought about descending and riding it again but doubted my second effort would match the first.

We took some photos. Saw some Methodists. I found a dad with his son and took their photo. Another woman climbed on the rock and I asked for her phone to take her photo. And then we left.

Taking photos of strangers
Photo Credit: Tim

I missed a planned turn in Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., and we improvised. We found the Sunoco/Convenience store and Tim bought some Gatorade. The road out of Blue Ridge Summit was one I’d ridden 4-5 times during the Civil War Century and I should have recognized the sweet descent on Gladhill Road. I did but not until it was too late to get some real speed. I did hit 45 mph (72.4 kph) though.

Sabillasville Road near Thurmont

We made our way over to Sabillasville Road which trends downhill to Thurmont. Unlike most Maryland highways, there are no shoulders on this road but Tim and I would pull over when we passed an intersection to allow any following cars to pass. We’re nice.

Roddy Road Covered Bridge

The Roddy Road covered bridge became our decision point. At 43 miles we were two miles from where we parked. Or we could add a second covered bridge and 12 more miles. We pushed forward. We made a late decision to avoid Creagerstown Road and that added 3-4 miles.

I showed Tim their Trolley Trail and we were only 1-2 miles from a Metric Century. When we got to the parking lot I told Tim we could ride the park’s loop road and he agreed. I only needed two laps to get my 100 km but I rode a third one with Tim and he completed four laps. Century complete.

Thurmont Trolley

Happy Happy Pain Pain


This wonderful name comes from a group ride posted for the Potomac Pedalers Touring Club that I rode in 2009. And I haven’t been back.

Starting town of Myersville

As I try to get into climbing shape for the French Alps in June, I am looking for increasingly challenging climbs to incorporate into my training regimen. I posted this climb to the Prince William Cycling Club page as a group ride. No one responded.

Back roads

Through Strava we can compare climbing segments and I marked a few for comparison. Fifteen years ago I rode in a group which is almost always faster than I can ride solo. The exception is the chill Thursday night ride in Manassas that I often do and just hang at the back chatting or sweeping.

Welcome to Pa. I came down a side street and missed the Pa. border so backtracked 50 meters for this photo

I did not expect to be better than I was 15 years ago but you never know, If there were times that I put up “just riding along” then maybe by trying harder I could better those times. On the other hand, I told myself not to worry about Strava. Stop and smell the roses. Take pictures. Enjoy the ride.

Bikes may use full lane – Myersville

The route was mostly on back country roads – those with no lines. Traffic on those roads was extremely light. A major difference between 2009 and 2024 is that then I did not carry a cell phone with an awesome camera. I did carry a pocket camera but rarely took pictures when I rode. Today would be a day for photos.

Blue Ridge Summit, Pa. Only the second sign I’ve seen like this. The other is in Ebensburg, Pa.

I arrived at the computer lot by 9:30 a.m. for a 10:00 a.m. ride to which no one responded. Still, someone could arrive who hadn’t responded but the ride description also said that I could leave when I wanted to if no one responded. I left the commuter lot at 9:49 a.m.

Library in an old train station in Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.

It was chilly at first – just 60°. I wore arm warmers but would remove them within the first hour. The profile started with what was basically a 15-mile climb. In Myersville my Wahoo bike computer also displayed the first climb and labeled it 1/27. Oh boy. Tough ride ahead.

Valley view

I went through Blue Ridge Summit which I have been 5-6 times before on the Civil War Century rides. Leaving BRS I passed a golf course that looked like someone’s backyard (sorry). I would discover that it was Monterey Country Club, which they claim is one of the five oldest courses in the country.

Monterey Country Club

A nice descent to Waynesboro and then Pen Mar set me up for the climb to High Rock – my destination. The bottom section of the climb was very hard. It was one mile at 8% but was undulating so there were ramps of 12-15%.

Pick your old sign

After the first grueling mile it’s a straight shot and with a steady 5.7% grade for two miles to High Rock. For the first 4-5 minutes I was ahead of my 2009 self pace by 1-2 seconds but eventually fell behind and said screw it. Enjoy the scenery. In 2009 I was riding with one other person and we paced each other up the climb. Not today.

Graffiti is not urban art. This is not an urban area. It is vandalism and it is hideous what people have done to such a beautiful area. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.

High Rock

I was hoping for a mostly downhill return to Myersville. But High Rock was only climb #14/27 according to my Strava map so it wasn’t all downhill with a tailwind after the climb. In fact, it was a headwind the rest of the way.

High Rock

I wasn’t feeling it today. With each climb, I tried a little but as soon as I saw I was off the pace of the 2009 “me” I backed off. Near Myersville, I had a long segment on rollers and did get a :30 advantage. Near the end I went real slow so that I would PR by only a few seconds (so I can beat it next time). When I reached the end of the segment the distance remaining displayed as -10 then -20. Oh no. I sprinted and got my PR.

High Rock

It is a beautiful ride. With 5400′ gain in 54 miles, it is a mountainous ride. I don’t know if I will be back but I should probably try this one once more before France.

DISTANCE: 53.59 miles

Lake Monroe Loop


This is a description of a route and not one ride. It was three rides on the Lake Monroe Loop which may or may not be its official name.

On January 24 I had a reservation on the AutoTrain from Sanford to Lorton, Virginia. The train left at 5:00 pm, but check-in with a vehicle was from 11:30 until 3:00. I wanted a nice ride in the area before a 15-hour train ride.

Near the AutoTrain, Sanford

I found a ride on RidewithGPS that started at the Bicikleta Bike Shop in Sanford. It was a 27-mile loop around the lake and looked perfect. I found the bike shop and started to follow the route that I had uploaded to my bike computer.

Bicikleta Bike Shop, Sanford

I was only two blocks from the downtown area which is absolutely charming. Sanford has brick streets so I checked out the downtown before starting my ride.

Downtown Sanford

Downtown Sanford is only one block from the lakefront which is very pretty.

Lake Monroe, Sanford

I obviously did not study the route. I envisioned a 27-mile route hugging this lake the entire time. What I got was three and a half miles of lakefront views. I crossed a bridge over the St. Johns River which flows into the lake. And then I picked up a series of bike trails.

Coast to Coast Trail

Part of the trail picks up a section of the Coast to Coast Trail

Coast to Coast

There were sections of boardwalks in the swamp. (Boardwalks scare me) Pretty but I’m not a fan of tires on wood.


I wasn’t quick enough with the camera but as I came around one corner I saw a juvenile armadillo scurry off the trail.

More boardwalks

I gave up lakeside for woods. And swamp.

Not so wildlife. Goats.

Eventually, the trail connected with a bike path next to Fl. State Hwy 415. It is separate from the highway and has an underpass at the one bridge to get to the other side to cross the river.

Lake Monroe

About five miles from Sanford the trail ends and one must ride on the road. But here the roads are more streets than highways.

Red corn snake

The first time I rode it when I got back to the start I continued a second pass down the lake and found the AutoTrain. It was just an enjoyable loop.

Osteen Trail Head and Hwy 415

My next AutoTrain reservation was on March 13. Arriving on March 14 I was prepared to ride the same loop. However, I thought it would be fun to reverse the route so I rode the same course but counterclockwise this time. Near the end, I routed to PDQ Chicken for lunch and then used the Wahoo’s Route to Start feature to get me back to the parking lot that was two blocks from Bicikleta’s.


And it was six days later I was headed home. No AutoTrain this time but I was headed up I-4 early in the morning. I stopped at the park next to the bridge that crosses the St. Johns River. I would ride the loop again albeit with a different start location,

PDQ. Worth the trip.

There were no surprises. I could ride this loop without a map. But it’s nice to have a map on the computer as I like to display the distance remaining.

St. Johns River below I-4

This is an easy, flat, ride with lake, swamp, and forest views. I highly recommend this to anyone in central Florida looking for an easy and enjoyable ride, Finish with lunch in Sanford.

St. Johns River
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